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Delete media to clear storage space

Last Update: January 23, 2025

Depending on your hosting plan, your website has a limited amount of space to hold files, including media files. If you begin running out of storage space for your site, one way to free up space is to delete unused media files, these include images, videos and sound files – all of which can take up a lot of storage space.

Delete media

The safest way to delete unused media files is by using your site’s Media Library. 

To delete media using the Media Library

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 67 Delete media to clear storage space 1
  2. In the panel, click Media.
    This opens the Media Library.
    image 68 Delete media to clear storage space 3
    Your site’s media is displayed in the table layout.

Delete media from the table layout

  1. Click a media item.
    image 69 Delete media to clear storage space 5
    This displays the media attributes, including the size in the right panel.
    image 70 Delete media to clear storage space 7
  2. In the bottom of the right panel, click Delete Permanently.
    The media item is permanently deleted from your site.

Delete media from the list layout

  1. Click the list icon AD 4nXekucqW4ku3EtZHRtE5gYLk687hpoB7kgCJ9qi8nbCKVL5ioVE0C0YhciqPw3 Delete media to clear storage space 9.
    image 71 Delete media to clear storage space 11
    The media items appear as a list.
    image 72 Delete media to clear storage space 13
  2. Hover over a media item and click Delete Permanently.
    image 73 Delete media to clear storage space 15
    The media item is permanently deleted from your site.
    You can click Edit to view the media properties before deleting.
There are plugins that allow you to sort media by size. Use one of those to isolate large media that you can delete.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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