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Unlocking site after failed login attempts

Last Update: July 24, 2024


System locks site after multiple failed login attempts.

Possible cause

Elementor hosted websites limit the number of times a user attempts to log into WordPress. When a user has more than 5 failed logins, that user’s IP address is placed into the locked-out list for a period of 1 hour. The system will block any login attempts from that IP address during that time period. 

When the lockout period expires, the IP address is automatically removed from the locked-out list, giving the user another 5 chances to login with the correct credentials.


You can reset the credentials by following these steps:

  1. Log into your My Elementor dashboard.
  2. Go to Websites.
    Click Manage this website2 Unlocking site after failed login attempts 1
  3. Hover over the website card of the website you want to unlock and click Manage this website.
    3 click the Advanced tab 1 Unlocking site after failed login attempts 3
  4. In the panel, click the Advanced tab.
    Clikc the Securoty tab Unlocking site after failed login attempts 5
  5. In the right pane, click the Security tab.
    Click reset Unlocking site after failed login attempts 7
  6. In the Reset WP login attempts field, click Reset.

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