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Control your global layout settings

Last Update: May 2, 2024

The global layout settings for your site control the default look and feel of your site’s pages. You can control these settings through the Site Settings menu.

Access the global layout settings

To access the global layout settings:

  1. In the Elementor Editor, from the top bar, click the Site Settings Control your global layout settings 1 icon.
    image 132 Control your global layout settings 3
    In the panel, the Site Settings menu appears.
    In the panel click Layout Control your global layout settings 5
  2. In the panel, click Layout.
    You can now edit the following default settings:
    image 134 Control your global layout settings 7
SettingWhat it does
Content widthSets the default width of ‘Boxed’ containers/sections. The setting generally used is 1140 pixels – designed for desktop computer screens.
Container padding When you add items to a container, the Editor keeps a certain width between the container border and the items inside it. Use the Container Padding setting to adjust this default width. Click the link icon J9Qot OzAegytkCRaQ5Tu5TY1 Control your global layout settings 9 set different widths for the top, bottom, right and/or left of the container. For details, see Create space with padding and margins
GapsWhen you add items to a container, the Editor automatically adds space between them. Use the Gaps setting to determine the default amount of this space. Click the link icon J9Qot OzAegytkCRaQ5Tu5TY1 Control your global layout settings 9 to set different amounts for the space above and below the item (column) and the space to the right and left of the item (row). 
Page title selectorIf you want to hide the page title while editing the page title selector must appear here. By default, the selector is called h1.entry-title but if your theme uses a different selector, enter it here. 
Stretched Section Fit To Themes have a tag that limits the width of web pages. The tag most commonly used is body. If your theme uses a different tag to limit page width, enter it here.
Default Page LayoutIn general, pages are laid out according to the theme settings. However, you can use this setting to make Elementor Canvas or Elementor Full Width the default setting. For details, see How can I get a full screen canvas in the Editor?
  1. After making the desired edits, click Save Changes.
    image 135 Control your global layout settings 13

The Editor will use these new default settings when you create pages.

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