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Update Elementor and Elementor Pro

Last Update: February 11, 2024

Elementor’s developers continually work to improve both the free core version of Elementor as well as Elementor Pro. New features, bug fixes, and security hardening will always be a priority. To take advantage of these changes requires updating your Elementor plugin(s). Learn how to safely update Elementor by following these instructions.

It is important to keep both the Elementor and Elementor Pro plugins up-to-date. Updating one without updating the other can cause your site to break.

When to Update

Notifications appear in WordPress Admin when new versions of WordPress or any plugins, including Elementor or Elementor Pro, are available.  

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Before You Update

We strongly recommend that before updating, you:

  • Make a backup
  • Read up on any documentation connected to the release
  • Check Addon compatibility
  • Test on a staging site

For more details on what to do before updating, see Steps to take before updating your site.

Update Elementor and Elementor Pro

There are two primary ways to update WordPress plugins, such as Elementor, either from the Plugin tab or the Update notification icon.

From the Plugins tab:

  1. Go to WP-Admin,  Plugins > Installed Plugins. Plugins with updates available are highlighted and stand out from the rest of the plugins in the list.
    1 Click Update Now Update Elementor and Elementor Pro 3
  2. Click update now in the plugin description to update

Clicking the Update notification:

  1. On the WP Admin dashboard, go to Home > Updates.
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  2. Click either of the update notifications (see circles in image above). The WordPress Updates page is displayed.
    2 use the Update Elementor and Elementor Pro 7
  3. Use the checkboxes next to Elementor and Elementor Pro to select those plugins for updating.
    image 48 Update Elementor and Elementor Pro 9
  4. Click Update Plugins

Elementor and Elementor Pro update to the most recent versions.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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