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Live site does not show changes

Last Update: March 4, 2024


Changes you make in the Editor do not show on the live site.

Possible cause

This can be due to caching issues. 


Follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to WP Admin.
  2. Go to Elementor > Tools > General.
    Live site does not show changes
  3. Click Regenerate Files & Data. 
  4. Go to Pages.
  5. Edit any page. Note: You need to make some changes in order to enable the Update button. 
  6. Click Update
  7. Clear all cache, including the following:
    • Server cache, if it exists.
    • WordPress caching plugins, if you are using.
    • Your own browser cache. 
You can also try checking in another browser, or in an incognito browser.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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