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Form Invalid error

Last Update: March 3, 2024


When completing a form on your website, the following error message(s) may appear:

  • an error occurred 
  • there is something wrong the form is invalid

Possible cause

One of these may be the cause for the form invalid error:

  • Empty fields 
  • Two fields have the same ID 
  • Integration is not working correctly 
    • To confirm, you can remove the integration with your email marketing service.
  • The field mapping for integration is not done properly


Follow the below steps to solve this issue:

  1. Login to WP Admin.
  2. Click the edit icon on the required form. The Edit Form panel appears on the left panel.
    Form invalid error 1
  3. Click each field. The field details panel expands.
    Form invalid error 2
  4. Click Advance. The Default Value and ID fields appears.
  5. If the ID field is blank, enter a unique value.
Always check the Form Submissions logs to understand any delivery issues.

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