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Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer

Last Update: June 27, 2024

The Image Optimizer Plugin by Elementor is installed and activated like any other WordPress plugin.

Finding the Image Optimizer 

To install the the Image Optimizer plugin:

  1. Log into your WordPress account.
    YOZA3QAiLgpXVoNe9qDfnovNO9odelNOX4Nrx26BxHB2QgcLp1LJHX49cJI A10uI91l43NVfcZzpqXi Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 1
  2. From your website dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New
    Enter Image OPtimizer by Elementor Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 3
  3. In the search box, enter Image Optimizer by Elementor.

Install and activate Image Optimizer plugin

To install the Image Optimizer plugin by Elementor:

  1. In the Image Optimizer card, click Install Now
    Click Install Now Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 5
    The Image Optimizer is installed.
  2. After installation, click Activate on the Image Optimizer card.

Start your free trial

After installing the Image Optimizer, you’ll have a chance to check it out with a free trial. 

Connect your account

Before starting your free trial, you’ll need:

  • An Elementor account
  • To connect to your Elementor account

If you do not have an Elementor account:

  1. Go to Media>Image Optimizer.
    Select Media Image Optimizer Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 7
    The Image Optimizer window appears on the right.
    1. Click to Connect 1 Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 9
  2. On the right hand side of the dashboard click Connect Now or Connect to start.
    This will start the process.
    Create and accout Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 11
  3. You will be prompted to create an Elementor account. For details, see Create an account
    You will not be required to enter any payment information.

    Click Connect and Continue Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 13
  4. After you create your account, click Connect & Continue.

Your free trial begins. 

If you have an Elementor account but do not use any paid Elementor Services:

You will not be required to enter any payment information.
  1. Go to Media>Image Optimizer.
    Select Media Image Optimizer Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 7
    The Image Optimizer window appears on the right.
    1. Click to Connect 1 Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 9
  2. On the right hand side of the dashboard click Connect Now or Connect to start.
    New registration process 2 Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 19
    The connection window appears.
    Fill in your name and zip code Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 21
  3. If your username appears in the connection window, fill in your name and zip code. Then click Connect & Continue.
    AD 4nXf NBBx97l7UKCoOQp0P1zlke3YJGNKc laBXidMGRkIooMejYJlm5ubA4xqL HYxWC 6237nbLXuVEPWz9kJOm5mYFTfFz3gAqGh3r1WoPZG967JNdvUCxmO6rTV aLrKL5N9Fvn1oWS Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 23
  4. If your username does not appear in the connection window, click Switch User and sign into your account.
  5. Fill in your name and zip code.
    Click Connect and Continue Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 13
  6. Click Connect & Continue.

Your free trial begins

If you have an Elementor account and use any paid Elementor Services:

  1. Go to Media>Image Optimizer.
    Select Media Image Optimizer Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 7
    The Image Optimizer window appears on the right.
    1. Click to Connect 1 Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 9
  2. On the right hand side of the dashboard click Connect Now or Connect to start.
    The connection window appears.
    Clikc Connect for registered users Install, activate and connect the Image Optimizer 31
  3. If your username appears in the connection window, click Connect & Continue.
  4. If your username does not appear in the connection window, click Switch User.
  5. Select Sign in with your email and enter your username and password or sign in using your Google, Facebook or Apple account.
  6. Click Connect & Continue.

Your free trial begins.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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