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Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout

Last Update: January 26, 2025

Grid containers are great for creating a symmetrical design, but they can be somewhat constrictive. The span content feature gives you greater flexibility with the grid layout, allowing content to span across multiple cells and giving you the ability to create complex layouts within a grid.

Span content across multiple cells

Spanning content across multiple cells gives you greater design flexibility. For instance, you can create an image gallery with pictures of various sizes.

Spanning works for most widgets, but in this example, we’ll just use Image widgets.

To span content across multiple cells:

  1. Create a Grid. For this example, we’ll create a 4 by 2 grid.
    image 53 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 1
     For details, see Create a Grid container.
  2. Drag an image widget to the first cell, the one in the upper left. 
    image 54 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 3
  3. Add content to the widget. For details, see Image widget.
    image 55 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 5
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
    image 56 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 7
  5. In the panel, in the Grid Item section, use the Column Span dropdown menu to select 2.
    When we changed the Column Span, it affected the height of the cell. As you can see if you look at the empty cell, this change affects all the cells in the grid because all cells in a grid are the same size.
    image 57 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 9 

    image 58 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 11
  6. Use the Row Span dropdown menu to select 2.
    The Image widget takes up four cells.
    The image appears to stay the same size, however it now takes up four cells instead of two. This affects the size of the cells as you can see from the empty cell. 
    image 59 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 13

    image 60 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 15
  7. Drag an Image widget to the empty cell and add an image.
    image 61 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 17
  8. In the Advanced tab of this image, change the Column Span to 2.
    Now, let’s add another image and create a blank area in the gallery. Normally with a grid, you can’t have blank cells, but custom spanning allows this.
    unnamed Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 19
  9. Add another image to the grid.
  10. In the Advanced tab, use the Column Span dropdown menu to select Custom.
    image 63 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 21
  11. In the text box enter 4.

This custom setting means the image will start at the fourth vertical line or the end of the second column. See below for more information about the custom setting.

Using the custom field

The Column Span and Row Span dropdown menus contain numeric values as well as a Custom field. Selecting Custom allows you to control spanning by entering code instead of selecting a number from the dropdown menu.

If you want to use the Custom field: 

  1. Create a Grid container and add a widget. 
    image 64 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 23
  1. Go to the Advanced tab of the selected widget.
    Custom dropdown Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 25
  2. Using the Column Span dropdown menu or the Row Span dropdown menu, select Custom.
    image 65 Span content over multiple cells in a grid layout 27
  3. Use the text box to enter code to span the widget.

Examples of custom code for spanning widgets:

  • Span 2: Span across 2 rows or columns.
    In the codes below, the numbers refer to the lines that border containers (see the chart below for reference.
  • 1 / 3: Span from the first line to the third line. 
  • 2 / 5: Span from the second line to the fifth line. 

Custom codes give you increased flexibility, allowing you to create layouts that wouldn’t be possible using the standard numbers in the dropdown menu..  

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