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Dynamic tags

Last Update: January 14, 2024

Dynamic Content draws content from the website, or from the current page/post, changing dynamically according to the Page or Post it’s on. Not all dynamic tags are available for all dynamic content fields. Only the applicable tags will be listed as options in a field’s dropdown selection list.


  • Post Custom Field – Choose from any custom fields that are associated with the current post
  • Post Excerpt – The short summary of the current post
  • Post ID – The WordPress ID of the current post
  • Post Terms – The chosen taxonomy for the current post (category, tags, etc.)
  • Post Time – The time the current post was published (based on your WordPress time/date settings) *
  • Post Title – The title of the current post
  • Post URL – The URL of the current post

Note: The Post Time may be affected by cache, and in some circumstances, you may need to exclude your page within your cache plugin’s settings to avoid this.


  • Archive Description – The description of the current archive
  • Archive Meta – Display any archive info based on meta key
  • Archive Title – The title of the current archive
  • Archive URL – The URL of the current archive


  • Page Title – The title of the current page
  • Site Tagline – The tagline of the site
  • Site Title – The title of the site
  • Current Date Time – The current date and time
  • Request Parameter – Uses data that was transferred via GET, POST, or Query Vars Requests
  • Shortcode – Use a dynamic shortcode for anything that Elementor doesn’t provide a dynamic tag for
  • User Info – Display any of the current user’s information, including ID, Display Name, Username, First Name, Last Name, Bio, Email, Website, or User Meta
  • Site URL – The URL of the site
  • Internal URL – Display an internal URL for the link, choosing from Content, Taxonomy, Media, or Author


  • Lightbox – Set a lightbox to open when element is clicked
  • Contact URL – Create a smart link when element is clicked.
  • Popup – Trigger a popup to open or close when element is clicked


  • Featured Image Data – Display the featured image meta data of the current post, choosing from Title, Alt, Caption, Description, File URL, or Attachment URL


  • Author Info –  Display information about the current post’s author, choosing from Bio, Email, or Website
  • Author Meta – Display any author info based on meta key, such as the author’s country or date of birth
  • Author Name – The name of the current post’s author
  • Author URL – The URL of the current post’s author page


  • Comments Number – The number of comments for the current post
  • Comments URL – The URL for the comments form on the current post


  • Product Price – The price of the current product
  • Product Rating – The rating of the current product
  • Product Sale – The sale status of the current product
  • Product Short Description – The short description of the current product
  • Product SKU – The SKU of the current product
  • Product Stock – The stock number of the current product
  • Product Terms – The chosen taxonomy (category, tags, etc.) for the current product
  • Product Title – The title of the current product

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