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Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager

Last Update: December 14, 2023

Before you start

You must have Google Tag Manager installed on your site. For more details see, Add Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to Elementor

To verify your site with the Google Tag Manager:
image 131 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 9

  1. Go to your Google Search Console.
    image 132 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 11
  2. Click Add Property.
    image 133 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 13
  3. In the URL prefix area, enter the full URL of your site.
    image 134 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 15
  4. Click Continue.
    image 135 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 17
  5. Expand Google Tag Manager.
    image 136 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 19
    A list of verification requirements is displayed.
    image 137 Verify your site with Google Search Console using Google Tag Manager 21
  6. If your Google Tag Manager settings meet the requirements, click Verify.

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