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Delete a staging site

Last Update: July 24, 2024

At some point you may decide to delete your staging site – generally this is when you want to work on a clean version of your staging site.

To delete your site, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your My Elementor.
  2. Hover over the website card that you want to copy to create a staging site.
    Click Manage this website2 Delete a staging site 1
  3. Click Manage this website. The website overview page is displayed.
    3 click the Advanced tab 1 Delete a staging site 3
  4. Click Advanced. The Advanced page shows. 
    Click Manage Staging Delete a staging site 5
  5. Click Manage Staging from the Staging environment section. A yellow banner displays with the message that you are accessing staging site.
    Delete a staging site 1
  6. Scroll down to the Staging actions section.
    Delete a staging site 3
  7. Select the trash icon. A confirmation message is displayed.
    Delete a staging site 4
  8. Click Delete staging.

Related article

Create A Staging Site 
Move A Staging Site To A Live Site
Access/edit A Staging Site

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