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Restore previous version of your website

Last Update: July 25, 2024
The restore action cannot be undone.

Revision history is a way to fix mistakes during an editing session, but sometimes you may need to revert to a previous version of your entire site. For more details about backing up your site, see Learn how to backup your site.

To restore your website to an earlier version, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your My Elementor dashboard.
    Click Manage this website 3 Restore previous version of your website 1
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to restore and click Manage this website.
    The website overview screen appears.
    Click the backups tab Restore previous version of your website 3
  3. Click the Backups tab.
    Click Restore 1 Restore previous version of your website 5
  4. For the desired record in the list of backups, click Restore. You’ll be prompted to confirm the action.
    Restore a previous version of your website 2
  5. Select all applicable boxes, and choose Yes, Restore.

After the restore is complete, you receive a confirmation email.

Restore a previous version of your website 1
Restore a previous version of your website 4
For websites that use a database like WooCommerce, restoring to a previous version includes restoring the database to its previous state.
This means every entry you’ve added to the database after the backup point will be lost.
You can avoid data loss by creating a CSV dump export of the website database before starting the rollback.
You can then import the data after the rollback is complete. This applies to other websites with database backends.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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