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Elements impacted by global colors

Last Update: September 21, 2023

There are four Default Colors: Primary, Secondary, Text, and Accent. The following examples show where they are typically used.

  • Primary Colors are used for Headings and Icons.
  • Secondary Colors are used for List Items, Subheadings, Animated Headings, and Price Table backgrounds.
  • Text Colors are used for Paragraphs and Menu items
  • Accent Colors are used for Links, Button backgrounds, Tab and Accordion headings, and Badges

Each of the colors will be used in various widgets in ways similar to the examples above. Below are some color examples to help visualize the areas in which each color is used.

Primary Color Examples

primarycolor2 1024x522 1 Elements impacted by global colors 1

Secondary Color Examples

secondarycolor2 1024x637 1 Elements impacted by global colors 3

Text Color Examples

textcolor 2 1024x528 1 Elements impacted by global colors 5

How Default Colors Are Used In Posts Widget

postcolors2 1024x854 1 Elements impacted by global colors 7

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