The Elementor community is growing each and every day. Our official Elementor Facebook Community group has 33K Elementors, over 20 Local communities all merged on facebook (Brazil, Israel, France, Italy, Greece, Philipines, and many more) and even on Telegram (Hi Russia!).

In January, we secretly opened Elementor’s official Meetup page, which enables Elementors from all over the world to meet up, share, learn, and support one another. Here you can inspire and get inspired by other Elementor website designers, developers, and marketers.

Faster than you can say “Absolute Custom Positioning”, we had our first meetup in the Manila, followed by the Israel WordPress Elementor Community‘s first TLV meetup.

For the past 3 years, the “WordPress Elementor Community” Facebook group has enabled almost 4,000 Hebrew speaking Elementors to grow and develop as web professionals. On January 17, 2019, they held their first meetup hosted by the AWS offices in Tel Aviv.

The team created a cool, smooth landing page that displayed the agenda, and enabled people to sign up for the event. Within 3 days, the event was fully-booked, 250 Elementors signed up.

Who's Coming?

When creating a Meetup, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. Are they beginners, not familiar with Elementor or even WordPress, or are they professionals, Web creators that are everyday Elementor users. WordPress Elementor Community members are a mix of both newbies and professionals, but all live and breathe Elementor.

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TLV Meetup

What Are We Going to Talk About?

It’s important to understand why we decide to meet up. When there is a purpose, it’s easier to choose the content. The Tel Aviv Elementors met to celebrate the success of their thriving community, so a combination of mingling and Inspiring Lectures from Community members achieved their goal. But a Meetup could be anything that brings our community together, a lecture, a panel, a workshop, co-working or anything you can think of!

How do you know what your community members want? Just ask. Reach out to your community to get information, understand their needs, discuss ideas, create opportunities, use there knowledge and connections to design your next Meetup. When we are all part of the community, it gets stronger.

Inspiring lectures could be on anything and everything involved with web creation. The WordPress Elementor Community began the evening with opening statements from the community founders: Menny Benady, Digital Marketing Professional, Facebook & Linkedin Expert, Speaker, Mentor & Consultant, Shay Agiv, Marketing artist & entrepreneur, CEO & owner of NetoNet – a Digital Advertising Agency, Kobi Rotenberg, website developer & designer, specializing in WordPress and Elementor and Pinto Sony, Website Developer, Marketing Photographer, Workshop Instructor, Digital Nomad.

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The first lecture of the evening was presented by Menny Benady who presented a website case study using CPT, CF, and Taxonomies.

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The second lecture was by Community member Dor Zuberi, from Dorzki, who explained about our “Need for Speed”, and how optimizing an Elementor website is key.

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The third lecture was by David Markus, Elementor’s UX Elementor designer, who showed why most websites all seem similar, and how we as designers can step out the box and create unique and different websites.

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Due to the proximity to the Elementor Popup feature Launch, Meetup attendees received a surprise lecture from our very own Hadas Golzaker, Web designer & educator. Hadas demonstrated how Popups can be cool again and changed everything we thought about traditional Popups.

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So… How Was It?

The response from the Community was amazing, the members reached out in person to share their thoughts about the Meetup, lectures, and the venue, but most of all they wanted to find out when the next Meetup would take place. 

Consider sending a feedback form a day or two following the meetup to your attendees; it will enable you to receive qualitative and quantitative feedback on the Meetup, and help you plan the next one.

The Elementor Community is growing, and we see more and more Meetups every day. Join the LondonLeedsMunichDusseldorf Elementors for the upcoming meetups. 

You’re welcome to join an Elementor Meetup in a city near you or even host one.
Want to host a Meetup in your hometown? Just register using the Elementor host a meetup form.

Don’t see an Elementor Meetup near you? Let us know where you’re based: 

[email protected]