This month, the meetups focused on improving skills and learning new ones, while establishing personal connections between local web professionals. Meetups were held in Paris, Madrid, Athens, Bern, Butwal, Valencia, Helsinki, Munich, Vienna, Zurich, Zaragoza, Greenville (SC), Sevilla, Kolkata, Manchester, Lagos, Marina Alta, Jakarta, and London! 

On April 30th, We set off on a Virtual Road Trip!

As part of our support to local communities during the COVID-19 crisis, we are virtually visiting 15 cities in 8 weeks, with guest speakers from Elementor who are more than happy to tag along.

The Road Trip’s First Stop: London Meetup

Like with all good plans, there are always some hiccups.
London’s meetup leaders had planned a special meetup for their first anniversary (celebrating 12 meetups). However, COVID-19 had made other plans. Nevertheless, it may have been for the best.
In a way, some good things have happened during this pandemic too. It forced us to launch our Virtual Road-Trip. This meant that the London meetup got to be the first stop on our journey! 

Ben Pines, Head of Content at Elementor, was the guest speaker at this meetup. He shared experiences of other web creators and how they are coping during the corona crisis, and the results that they are already seeing.
Ben also answered questions, in a Q & A with the local community members. 

Join the UK Elementor Community
London | Manchester

The Online DACH Meetups

Our German-speaking community (Austria-Germany-Switzerland) continued their fantastic collaboration with two joint meetups in April. 

Helmut Göbel, our Munich meetup explains:

“At the first meetup, Mario Röder from the Vienna meetup group, and Gere Maurer from the Zürich meetup group, spoke about Custom Post Types; how to create them, how they affect the creation of a website and how to use them with Elementor.
Afterward, the 50-plus participants were divided into small groups (using breakout rooms) and were given the opportunity to connect and share experiences in a more personal way.”

At their second meetup this month, the Bern community leader Corinne Ulrich, and speaker Simea Ulrich, held a lecture on how to create custom fields with an ACF plugin, and how to use them together with Elementor.

Dach Meetup April 14 2020

Join the DACH Elementor Community 

Munich | Dusseldorf | Berlin | Cologne | Bern | Zurich | Vienna

Elementor Spanish Community

The Spanish meetup groups continued to collaborate throughout April with six local meetups, all held online. 

Here are some highlights from the Spanish community:

The Madrid meetup hosted a workshop about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation on Elementor websites. This was followed by breakout sessions, for discussions and networking, with local leader Santiago Alonso.

At the Zaragoza meetup, attendees learned how to create one-pagers with the Hello theme and Elementor Pro.
Local leader, Merche Salas, also demonstrated the usefulness of the navigator tool and how to create sections from scratch, and include such things as dynamic tags, etc.
She also shared a few tricks for good practices in design.

Rafa Gallego, Seville Meetup group:

“100 friends joined us to learn how to build an ecommerce website using Elementor and WooCommerce. I presented an introduction to WooCommerce, exploring all the widgets used with WooCommerce, as well as some useful tips for newcomers.
We also had some funny moments as the meetup was held during the ‘Feria de Sevilla’ (the Seville Fair held in April) celebrations. We had some virtual (and typical) food and drink during the event :)”

Marina Alta 1St Meetup April 2020

Join the Spanish Elementor Community 

Madrid | Barcelona | Valencia | Zaragoza | Sevilla | Marina Alta | La Coruna

Official Online FB Community

The Jakarta Meetup Group Goes Online!

Our community in Jakarta hosted their first online meetup, keeping it open for discussions and sharing ideas about coping with the pandemic crisis.

Heri Suheri, a first-time attendee, had this to say:
“Honestly, yesterday was the first time I’d joined an Elementor meetup, and immediately I felt that I had a community that was very suitable for something I love. Especially so because there were many experts who were ready to be consulted and offer advice on problems. I also felt happy that I wasn’t the only meetup participant who needed some help in using Elementor, all of us sharing the knowledge and experience that we have.

Usually, when I find an obstacle or need help with something on Elementor, or features, I always search for Elementor tutorials on YouTube. This takes a long time; sometimes, I can’t find what I’m looking for. With this meetup, whatever the question, we can ask the experts directly, and they are not stingy with knowledge.”

Jakarta Meetup April 2020

Join the Elementor Jakarta Community


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