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We are happy to say that this month we’ve had 5 first-time meetups across the world, we love to see how our community grows, and we hope that this will instill confidence in those who want to host their own meetup. We are also very happy to say that our veterans from around the world continue with their third, fourth and even sixth meetups, helping each other and growing together.
Elementor Meetup — Barcelona, Spain
This month saw the first Elementor Barcelona Meetup, titled “Discover Elementor and All Its Possibilities”. The leaders, Alberto and Montse, introduced Elementor. They’ve explained what Elementor is, what level of customization it offers and what the advantages are of using it. They’ve further talked about Elementor and Elementor Pro and their add-ons as well as the main, online resources one could find to advance one’s learning. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, with pizza, of course.
Join the Elementor Barcelona Meetup group here.

Elementor Meetup — Zurich, Switzerland
This month also saw the first Elementor Zurich Meetup, led by Nicole and Jean-Paul and titled: “Elementor Zurich – Summer Meeting”. The group met and shared tips and tricks, all in a relaxed atmosphere. The group also shared feedback on current projects and looked for inspiration for technical and visual ideas for topics for the next meetup and more.
If you are in the area, be sure to join the group.
Elementor Meetup — Dhaka, Bangladesh
Over in Dhaka, the third Elementor meetup has taken place, lead by Nazmul Hasan Rupok and titled: “Own Your Future with Elementor”. The team just recently returned from WordCamp Europe in Berlin, where they’ve had a great time with the Elementor Core Team, and wanted to share what they’ve learned. The team also showed a presentation, provided by Ben from Elementor, about owning your future.
Join the Elementor Dhaka team here.
Elementor Meetup — Uyo, Nigeria
Down in sunny Uyo, another first-time Elementor meetup took place, lead by Ekemini Joseph and titled: “Introduction to Page Builders”. It was a good introductory meetup where it was explained that you can build a website without hiring a developer with the help of a simple drag and drop WordPress page builder — Elementor. The meetup went on to explain that while it’s easy to find a WordPress theme, the customization options on most themes are limited and this is why you need a WordPress page builder like Elementor. Elementor’s advantages were simply, but beautifully described as “if you can imagine it, you can now create it (even if you are not tech-savvy!)”
Join the Elementor Uyo meetup group here.
Elementor Meetup — Munich, Germany
Over in Munich, we are happy to say that the sixth Elementor meetup took place! It was titled: “Live Creation of a Website” and led by Helmut Goebel. Andreas Heinrich presented, in a step-by-step format, the individual steps for creating a website with Elementor. More specifically, the following topics were covered:
- Building or replica of a beautiful base
- Structuring of contents
- Integration of fonts, colors, and styles
- Definition and function of the individual elements
- Live page design with comments on each step
The goal was to help both beginners and professionals through the exchange of ideas and discussion. This is the last Meetup before the summer break. The group found the tricks and tips very helpful.
Join the Elementor Munich group here.
Elementor Meetup — Dusseldorf, Germany
The fourth Elementor meetup took place in Dusseldorf, led by Siggi and overall was a great meetup.
You can join the Elementor Dusseldorf meetup group here.
Elementor Meetup — Tel Aviv, Israel
The second Elementor Tel Aviv meetup took place, leady by Menny and titled” “Speed Case Studies with Elementor Israel Community”. It started with a general introduction, followed by speed case studies of companies and group members that were aimed at giving some understanding of the day to day dealings and continued with several short presentations. The evening ended with a lecture by Shani Hadad, CEO and Art Director at Brainnu.
Join the Elementor Tel Aviv Meetup group here.

Elementor Meetup — Gold Coast, Australia
The Elementor Gold Coast group has had their third meetup, titled: “10 Questions with Answers from the Elementor Community”, led by Michael Viller. He did the main topic, while two other members talked about managing global setting. Overall, members enjoyed the meetup and found it to be very informative, leaving with a feeling of support.
Join the Elementor Gold Coast Meetup group here.
Elementor Meetup — London, UK
The fourth Elementor London Meetup has taken place, titled: “EVENT FULL // Meet and collaborate with other Elementor users”, led by Mike.
Join the Elementor London Meetup group here.
Elementor Meetup - Hyderabad, India
The first Elementor Hyderabad Meetup took place, titled: “Meet and Collaborate with Other Elementor Users”, led by Wajid. The meetup was aimed at helping members with their own projects or the ones they were doing for clients by offering feedback, inspiration, and ideas. The meetup consisted of an introduction with WordPress, a Tips and Trick session and Q&A.
Join the Elementor Hyderabad Meetup group here.
Elementor Meetup — Lagos, Nigeria
The first Elementor Lagos Meetup took place, titled: “Getting Started with Elementor”, led by Sunday Ukafia.
The meetup was centered around exploring Elementor features. The concept of building a custom website and modifying an existing one without a page builder was discussed first, and then Elementor was introduced. The group played around with Elementor features, and particularly enjoyed the post widget, page divider, video background, forms and integrations with marketing tools. Overall, the group enjoyed getting to know each other and share their Elementor story, and are looking forward to future meetups.
Join the Elementor Lagos Meetup group here.
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