Are you struggling with the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error? No worries! This guide is here to help you understand and fix it quickly. We’ll look at why it happens, how to find the cause, and give you step-by-step solutions. Whether you run a website or just browse the internet, you’ll learn how to deal with this error and get back to smooth website access.

Understanding the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error

What is a Redirect Loop?

A redirect loop is like a never-ending game of tag on a website. Here’s what happens:

  1. You try to visit a web page.
  2. The website tells your browser to go to a different page.
  3. That new page tells your browser to go to another page.
  4. This keeps happening over and over without ever showing you the page you want.

Why Does it Happen?

Several things can cause a redirect loop:

  • Wrong website settings: The rules for sending visitors to different pages need to be set up correctly.
  • Plugin conflicts: If you use WordPress or similar systems, some plugins might need to work better together.
  • Old saved data: Your browser or the website’s server might need to be using updated information.
  • Server problems: The computer that runs the website might need to be set up right.
  • HTTPS issues: Problems can occur when a website switches from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Browser add-ons: Some browser extensions can interfere with how websites work.

How it Affects Websites and Users

Redirect loops are bad for websites and the people who visit them:

  • Visitors get frustrated: People can’t see the website and might give up trying.
  • Less engagement: If visitors can’t use the site, they won’t interact with it.
  • Hurts the website’s reputation: People might think the website needs to be fixed or trustworthy.
  • Search engine problems: Google and other search engines need help understanding websites with redirect loops. This can make the website harder to find in search results.

Fixing the Error in Your Browser

Let’s start with some simple fixes you can try in your web browser:

Step 1. Clear Your Browser’s Data

Your browser saves information to load websites faster. Sometimes, this saved data can cause problems. Clearing it can often fix redirect loops.

How to clear your browser data:

  1. Chrome:
    • Click the three dots in the top right corner
    • Go to “Settings” > “Privacy and Security” > “Clear browsing data”
    • Make sure you tick the boxes that say “Cached images and files” and “Cookies and other site data.”
    • Choose how far back to clear (like “Last hour” or “All time”)
    • Click “Clear data.”
  2. Firefox:
    • Tap the three lines at the top right.
    • Go to “Settings” > “Privacy & Security” > “Cookies and Site Data.”
    • Tap “Clear Data.”
    • Tick “Cached Web Content” and “Cookies and Site Data.”
    • Tap “Clear.”
  3. Safari:
    • Click “Safari” in the top menu
    • Head to “Preferences” and then “Advanced.”
    • Check the box that says “Show Develop menu in the menu bar.
    • In the Develop menu, click on “Empty Caches.”
    • You can also go to “Safari” > “Clear History” and pick a time range

Step 2. Turn Off Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are helpful tools, but they can sometimes cause redirect loops. Turning them off can help you find out if they’re the problem.

How to turn off extensions:

  1. Find your browser’s extension settings (usually in the main menu or settings)
  2. Look for extensions that might affect how websites load
  3. Turn off these extensions one by one
  4. After turning off each extension, try the website again to see if it works

Step 3. Use Private Browsing

Private browsing (also called incognito mode) lets you use your browser without any saved data or extensions. This can help you determine whether the problem is with your browser settings.

How to use private browsing:

  1. Chrome: Click the three dots > “New Incognito Window”
  2. Firefox: Click the three lines > “New Private Window.”
  3. Safari: Click “File” > “New Private Window”

Try the website in private mode. If it works, the problem might be with your regular browser settings or an extension.

Website-Level Solutions

If fixing your browser didn’t solve the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, it’s time to look at your website itself. This section will help you find and fix problems in your website’s setup that might be causing the redirect loop.

1. Checking Website Settings

Your website settings control how it works. If these settings are wrong, they can cause redirect loops. Here are some key areas to check:

  1. URL Redirection:
    • Redirects help users find pages when you change their addresses.
    • Make sure your redirects point to the right places, and don’t create loops.
    • Check that old pages are correct and send visitors to new ones.
  2. Permalink Structure:
    • Permalinks are the addresses of your web pages.
    • A bad permalink structure can confuse visitors and search engines.
    • Make sure your permalinks make sense and stay the same.
  3. HTTPS Setup:
    • If you recently switched to HTTPS (secure website), check that everything is updated.
    • Make sure all parts of your site use HTTPS, not just some.
    • Look for “mixed content,” where some things still use the old, unsecured HTTP.

The method for checking these settings depends on your website’s system. If you use WordPress, look in the “Settings” menu in your dashboard. Elementor users can find these options in the visual editor.

Take your time when changing settings. If you need more clarification, ask for help from someone who knows about websites.

2. Finding and Fixing URL Redirection Problems

Think of your website as a city. Each page is a building, and redirects are like road signs telling people where to go. But what if the signs keep sending people in circles? That’s what happens in a redirect loop.

Types of Redirects

There are two main types of redirects:

  1. 301 Redirect (Permanent):
    • Tells browsers and search engines when a page has moved for good.
    • Like saying, “This store has permanently moved to a new address.”
  2. 302 Redirect (Temporary):
    • It says a page has moved for now but might come back.
    • Like a “Detour” sign during road work.

How to Check for Redirect Problems

You can use these tools to find redirect issues:

  1. Online Redirect Checkers:
    • Enter your website address and see where it goes.
    • These tools show you the path a visitor takes through your site.
  2. Browser Developer Tools:
    • Press F12 in most browsers to open these.
    • Look at the “Network” tab to see all the steps your browser takes.
    • Check for lots of 301 or 302 codes, which mean redirects.

If you find wrong redirects, you’ll need to fix them. In WordPress, you might need to change settings in a redirect plugin or edit a file called .htaccess (we’ll talk about this later).

3. Fixing HTTPS Migration Problems

Moving your website from HTTP to HTTPS makes it more secure. But this change can sometimes cause the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error. Let’s look at some common problems and how to fix them.

Mixed Content Errors

What it is: Some parts of your website still use HTTP instead of HTTPS.

How to fix it:

  • Make sure all images, scripts, and other content use HTTPS.
  • Look for “http://” in your website’s code and change it to “https://.
  • Set up your server to always use HTTPS for everything.

Wrong SSL Certificate Setup

What it is: Your SSL certificate (which makes HTTPS work) needs to be set up right.

How to fix it:

  • Check that your SSL certificate is installed correctly.
  • Make sure it’s not expired.
  • Use online SSL checkers to find any problems.

More Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Clear your browser’s saved data again after making changes.
  2. Check your server settings. Ask your hosting company for help if needed.
  3. Use online tools to check your HTTPS setup.

Remember, fixing these problems takes time and patience. Keep trying different solutions until you find what works.

4. Fixing WordPress-Specific Problems

WordPress powers many websites, but it can sometimes have its own redirect loop issues. Here are some WordPress-specific problems and how to solve them:

Plugin Conflicts

What it is: When two or more plugins don’t work well together, they can cause redirect loops.

How to fix it:

  1. Turn off all your plugins.
  2. Turn them back on one by one, checking your site each time.
  3. If the error comes back, the last plugin you turned on will probably be the problem.
  4. Look for a different plugin that does the same job, or ask the plugin maker for help.

Caching Issues

What it is: Old saved data (cache) can contain outdated information about your site.

How to fix it:

  1. Clear your WordPress cache using your caching plugin’s settings.
  2. If that doesn’t work, try turning off caching for a while to see if it helps.

.htaccess File Problems

What it is: The .htaccess file controls many things on your site, including redirects. A small mistake here can cause big problems.

How to fix it:

  1. Find your .htaccess file using FTP or your hosting control panel.
  2. Make a backup copy of the file.
  3. Look for any redirect rules that might be causing loops.
  4. If you need help with what to do, ask a developer.

Remember, fixing WordPress problems requires careful checking and testing. If you need help with what to do, feel free to ask for help.

Server-Side Solutions

If you’ve tried fixing your browser and website but still see the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, the problem might be in your server. Let’s look at how to find and fix these server issues.

Finding Server Setup Problems

Your web server runs your website. If it’s not set up right, it can cause redirect loops. Here are some common server problems:

  1. Wrong Virtual Host Settings:
    • Virtual hosts let many websites share one server.
    • If these are set up wrong, they can cause redirect problems.
    • This often happens when multiple web addresses point to the same site.
  2. Redirect Handling Issues:
    • Your server’s software controls how redirects work.
    • If these settings are wrong, they can create endless loops.
  3. Server Caching Problems:
    • Servers save data to work faster, just like browsers do.
    • Old saved data can cause redirect issues.

To find these problems, you need to look at server logs and settings files. These files show what your server is doing and how it’s set up. If you know how to read these files, you can find the problems yourself. If you need help, it’s best to ask your hosting company or a server expert.

Asking Your Hosting Company for Help

When server problems are too hard to fix on your own, it’s time to ask your hosting company for help. They know a lot about servers and can find problems you might miss.

To ask for help:

  1. Tell them about the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error.
  2. Give them the web address where you see the error.
  3. Tell them about any recent changes you made to your website or server.
  4. Share any error messages you’ve seen.

The more information you provide, the better they can help you. They’ll examine your server logs and fix any problems they find.

Using Browser Tools to Find Problems

Your web browser has built-in tools that can help you find redirect problems. These tools are like a microscope for your website. They show you exactly what’s happening when you try to visit a page.

How to use browser tools:

  1. Open Chrome DevTools (in Chrome) or Firefox Developer Tools (in Firefox).
  2. Click on the “Network” tab.
  3. Try to visit the page with the error.
  4. Look for these things:
    • Three hundred-one codes: These mean a permanent redirect.
    • Three hundred two codes: These mean a temporary redirect.
    • The “Location” in the response headers. This shows where each redirect is going.

By looking at these details, you can see the path your browser is taking and find where the loop is happening.

How to Prevent Redirect Loops

It’s better to stop redirect loops before they happen. Here are some things you can do:

Back-Up Your Website Often

Think of backups like taking photos of your website. If something goes wrong, you can use these “photos” to fix it.

How to back up your website:

  1. Use your hosting company’s backup tools if they have them
  2. Try backup plugins for WordPress
  3. Save your backups somewhere safe, like on a separate hard drive or in cloud storage

How often to back up:

  • If you change your site a lot, every day or even every hour
  • If you don’t change it much, once a week or month is okay

Be Careful with Plugins and Themes

Plugins and themes add cool features to your website. However, using fewer or the incorrect ones can lead to issues.

Tips for using plugins and themes safely:

  1. Update them regularly: This fixes bugs and keeps them working well with each other.
  2. Only use what you need: Don’t add plugins just because they look cool. Only keep the ones you really use.
  3. Turn off unused plugins: If you’re not using a plugin, turn it off. This will boost your site’s speed.
  4. Choose good themes: Pick themes from developers who update them often and have good reviews.

Keep Learning and Ask for Help

The internet is always changing. It’s good to keep learning about websites and to ask for help when you need it.

Where to find help:

  1. Online forums: Lots of people talk about website problems online. You can ask questions and get answers.
  2. Elementor’s help center: Elementor has guides and a place to ask questions.
  3. Hire an expert: If you’re really stuck, you can pay someone who knows a lot about websites to help you.

Wrapping Up

We’ve looked at the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error a lot. Here’s what we learned:

  1. What causes the error: It happens when your website gets stuck in a loop of redirects.
  2. How to fix it: We talked about fixing it in your browser, on your website, and on your server.
  3. How Elementor helps: Elementor makes it easier to build and manage your website without causing errors.
  4. How to prevent it: We learned about backing up your site and being careful with plugins and themes.

Remember, a website that works well makes visitors happy. By understanding this error and knowing how to fix it, you can keep your website running smoothly.

If you run into this error, don’t worry. Use what you’ve learned here to fix it. With some patience and the right tools, you can solve the problem.

Now you’re ready to tackle redirect loops and keep your website working great!