
When you look at web hosting costs on a hosting provider's site, you'll typically see one single number for each plan. That's why...
Tired of having problems with your website hosting provider's speed, security, and reliability? Maybe it's time to switch to Google Cloud Platform for...
There are many Chrome extensions for WordPress users that can help you streamline your workflows and optimize your sites. We picked the best...
Don’t waste time on manual, repetitive tasks when you can do them with a few clicks. Learn how to duplicate pages and posts...
The best decision is an informed decision, and A/B testing enables you to make data-backed decisions to improve your website. In this guide,...
Good website maintenance is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting website. It allows you to spot issues early on, fix them, and make sure...
Any creation requires a good workshop to work in — someplace fitted for the task at hand. A WordPress development environment is a...
The faster your website loads, the better user experience you provide — it's as simple as that. Better user experience leads to higher...
Redirecting visitors from one page on your website to another is an important part of website maintenance and there could be a number...
Subdomains are a great way to separate websites — dividing them clearly and allocating them to specific target audiences for better and unique...
Learn how heatmaps can give you the information to successfully understand how the user interacts with your website and where your weak spots...
Struggling to choose between WordPress and site builders? This article will help you understand the differences and allow you to choose the best...
Understand the clear difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org and find out which of them best fits your needs and price range....
Do your site visitors need to hover over an awkward drop-down, in the hopes of picking the right option? Then you need a...
A good search feature can drastically improve your users’ experience, give them access to all your posts and products, and allow them to...
Hosting plays a direct role in the cost and performance of your website. Find out what hosting is, how much it costs, and...
Learn how sidebars can improve your site navigation and help you convert more of your traffic with the aid of the right widgets...
Explore this comprehensive list of the best, free plugins for WordPress. From security plugins to image optimization, SEO, and many other plugins that...
Are you having problems with WordPress? Have you come across an error and are unsure how to fix it? Follow this comprehensive guide...
Membership plugins are essential to creating exclusivity and restricting your content or service to paid or registered members only. To some, membership plugins...
Learn about all the ways with which you can embed video in WordPress, including videos for private membership sites....
If you're using WordPress, you need to understand the concept of WordPress themes. Themes are an essential part of your website and you...
Along with the challenges of working with WordPress, there are many benefits that make it the leading platform for web creators. In this...
In this post, we explore the differences between WordPress themes, WordPress templates, and Elementor Template Kits. With this knowledge, our web creation process...