
What Are Templates Kits?

Elementor Template Kits are page templates available as collections, centered around a specific theme or website type

What Is the Client Side?

Client-side is everything in a web application displayed or occurring on a client’s device, including images, text, and the rest of the UI

What Is Flyout Navigation?

Flyout Navigation is any page menu that visually generates submenus, objects, or links when website users hover or mouse over them

What is Lazy-Loading?

Lazy-loading (or on-demand loading) is an online content optimization technique for websites or web apps

What Is Growth-Driven Design?

Growth-Driven Design is a systematic approach that shortens time to launch by utilizing actual data and continuous learning and improvement.

What Is A Multi-Step Form?

A Multi-Step Form is a long web form broken down into multiple steps to make it less intimidating for visitors to complete

What Is A Parent Theme?

A WordPress Parent Theme is a feature that allows developers and designers to use a broader range of themes and modify them by creating Child themes

What Is Lottie Animation?

Lottie Animation is an open-source JSON-based animation tool that enables designers to ship animations on any platform quickly as sending static asset

What are Input Fields?

Input Fields are a critical user interface design element that allows users to enter non-standardized replies