What Are Templates Kits?

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Elementor Template Kits are page templates available as collections, centered around a specific theme or website type. Template Kits are built as a group of individual templates for one cohesive site.

Site builders can use Template Kits for individual pages on a site. For example, a real estate website template kit comprises templates for every page that a conventional real estate business needs and templates for specific components, namely contact forms, pop-ups, footers, headers, etc.

How Do Template Kits Work?

Template Kits are unique because they are purpose-built for a particular user persona or business goal. For example, a website targeting industry experts might prefer creating and delivering content as an online course. 

Based on this user persona, one already knows without much research that those using the kit above are targeting well-seasoned internet users interested in modern education methods, such as online courses. Hence, the site should have a modern, tech-savvy design and a language that addresses young professionals looking to hone their skills and careers.

Benefits of Using Template Kits

Template Kits make building an entire WordPress site easier. Every kit includes every component required, such as page content, header, footer, single pages, site settings, pop-ups, archive pages, and global settings (fonts, colors, etc.). 

In addition to template kits, Elementor offers the option to create a personalized kit to use each time you build a new site comprising the elements you need. You can also adapt each element to the relevant site. 

Template kits are a quick and easy way to build brand new sites with a small sequence of clicks.


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