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How do I create a full width page in my site?

Last Update: June 4, 2024

A Full-Width Page means the content spans from right to left and takes the full 100% of the screen’s width.

With Elementor there are several ways to do this, here are three:

  • Use a Full-Width page template
  • Use the Canvas page template
  • Use Full Width containers

Create a full width container

Containers are the basic building block of your page. Adding your content to a full width container will create a full width page.

To use full width containers:

  1. Create a container. For details, see Create a Flexbox container.
    The Layout tab How do I create a full width page in my site? 1
    The container options appear in the left panel, open to the Layout tab.
    dropdown menu How do I create a full width page in my site? 3
  2. In the Content Width field, use the dropdown to select Full Width.

Content added to the container will take up the full page width.

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