Mark Zuckerberg Lays out Facebook's Plan for Protecting the 2020 Election

Tag: #Social
Time: 5 min

If I said ‘Facebook’, what’s the first thing that would come to your mind? A human-like android CEO? Cambridge Analytics? 

Well, they certainly seem to want to change those negative images. Last Monday, Facebook said that they are introducing election security initiatives, like updating its policies and improving account protection, for elected officials. The new program is called “Facebook Protect.” 

Now, I know that it sounds like a Power Rangers morphing call, but maybe we are witnessing a real change in Facebook, for the better.

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Report: SoftBank Is Taking Control of WeWork at an ~$8b Valuation

Tag: #Business
Time: 2 min

Lately, it seems that a day doesn’t go by without news about WeWork. 

The latest news is that WeWork, once valued at $47 billion, will now be worth $ 7.5 billion. That’s the price for which SoftBank is getting control of WeWork. 

This investment comes at a critical moment for WeWork, mere weeks before running out of cash. Read more.

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Linkedin Launches Events to Facilitate Professional Meet-Ups

Tag: #Social
Time: 2-3 min

LinkedIn has launched a new feature — Events, which provides members with an easy way to create and join professional events. 

It’s gradually being rolled out, it’s really simple to use, and with the recent news about’s new pricing policies, this may turn out to be a good alternative.

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Tag: #Marketing
Time: 2 min

Google Ads is testing a new, highly customizable whatchamacallit for capturing customer information with lead form extensions. 

It is designed to attract customers with compelling incentives who previously could only be accessed after filling out a lead form. 

This way the customer gets something and the business gets the customer’s info. It’s a win-win situation. Learn more about it.

Twitch CEO Emmett Shear on How Moderation Creates Communities

Tag: #Community
Time: 5-7 min

No no, those psychedelics haven’t kicked in yet, don’t worry. This image is purposely like this. 

Twitch, which coincidentally describes what happens when you look at this image, has become the most popular live-streaming platform in the world. 

Read this interview with Twitch’s CEO and get insightful information about moderation, communities and more.

Twitchs Ceo Emmet Shear Worth Your Click: Linkedin Launches Events, Thanksgiving Email Practices &Amp; More 4

Best Practices for Thanksgiving Email Newsletters With Examples

Tag: #Marketing
Time: 5-7 min

Following up on the recommendations in our previous newsletter for Black Friday, we bring you recommendations for Thanksgiving emails & newsletters. 

It’s written by the same person, meaning that you should expect not only the same humor and delightful puns but also a detailed guide with insightful information and cool images. 

Check it out and improve your email newsletter outreach during this Thanksgiving.

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How to Create a Food Blog on WordPress, ACF & Elementor Pro!

Tag: #WordPress
Time: 2hrs

An ounce of WordPress, a dash of ACF and a quart of Elementor is the recipe for creating a great food blog. 

From custom post types to filtering and powerful search functions, here’s an ‘in-depth’ tutorial on how to build a unique food blog on WordPress with these tools.

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