Firefox Will Automatically Block Website Notifications in 2020

Tag: #general
Time: 1 min

Firefox (or as I prefer to call it — Red Panda, which, coincidently, could be a super hero’s name or even a villain’s, like a communist panda set out to destroy capitalism) is being awesome again. 

I’ve long been a fan of this browser and recent news only strengthens my feelings. 

In 2020, the Firefox browser will automatically block website notifications — you know, those pesky, annoying, pop-up notifications that ruin your experience and, sometimes, your day. 

Nothing else to add. I’ll just drop my mic and wait till 2020.

Firefox Logo Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 1

Quora Marketing: ~1 Million Views Generated. Here’s How to Replicate Our Success

Tag: #marketing 
Time: 10 min

Now, some of you may read this title and think: “Quora Marketing — what’s that?” 

Well, you could type this question on Quora and find your answer, but you can also read this article and learn how to generate 1 million views on Quora. 

And, just so you know, in terms of audience, Quora is on par with giants like Twitter, Reddit, and Pinterest with over 300 million monthly users. So be sure to check this guide.

Quora Marketing One Million Views Generated Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 2

Examples of Great Fall Email Newsletters With Tips and Tricks

Tag: #marketing
Time: 8 min

You call it autumn and I call it fall, but before we call the whole thing off, we have to agree that this season is full of special days. Halloween, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, the first day of school and even the start of the sports season. 

These are prime opportunities for a great email newsletter campaign. Get the best tips and tricks regarding fall newsletters.

Fall In Love With Your City Poster Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 3

What Newspapers Can Teach Us About Web Design

Tag: #design
Time: 17 min

“My father taught me…” and “My grandpa would always say…” are just something we say to convey the wisdom passed to us by our more experienced elders.

Not unlike our human elders, our technological predecessors, such as the plain old newspaper, still have much to teach us. 

Learn more about how newspapers influenced web design, and what else they can teach us.

A Picture Of An Old Newspaper With The Moon Landing On The Cover Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 4

How to Use Emojis and Symbols to Improve Your Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

Tag: #marketing
Time: 5 min

I hate emojis in emails. I hate them in general. Bring back the good old emoticons in the occasional text message and leave it at that. 🙂 

Apparently, emojis enhance your marketing and social marketing stats. 

If emojis are here to stay, you might as well learn how to use emojis and other symbols in marketing. 

You know what they say: if you can’t beat them, 😇.

Emojis And Symbols In Marketing Ognp1Ohkzo660Ttnfbfusc1L6A3Qjdgshdiks3Kbig Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 5

Designers at Apple, MoMA, and More Share the Podcasts They Never Miss

Tag: #design
Time: 3 min

What inspires those who inspire us to inspire future generations? Is a sentence that sums up half of the script for the movie Inception.

But, in all seriousness, who influences the influencers?

Well, this article offers you the answer by looking into what podcasts inspirational designers at big firms listen to, to get their inspiration. 

Here’s how one gentleman put it, describing the feelings he gets from his favorite podcast: “[It’s] like having nutrient-rich peanut butter rubbed on my brain and then licked off by a telepathic dog who translates all the smart stuff into creative inspiration.”

Art With Headphones Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 6

Finding Ideas for a Video Series or Podcast - Whiteboard Friday

Tag: #content
Time: 6-7 min

Coming up with good, original ideas can be difficult, doubly so when it concerns videos — I mean, just look at how often Hollywood defers to rebooting old ideas.

But here’s how you can find ideas for video series and podcasts, with ease, and hey, if this helps you, send this article over to the Hollywood bigwigs.

An Image Of A Notepad Ognpjyglvp6Vrv9Wp7Up9Q09000O7I0Wbu6Gpsgqiw Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 7

Designer Confidential: Design in an Agile Environment

Tag: #design
Time: 6 min

From the makers of L.A. Confidential and Shrek, maybe, comes the new autumn hit — Designer Confidential, or, you know, they might not be related.

The guys at Invisionapp have come up with a new column — Designer Confidential. The new column offers practical advice to your toughest challenges.

The very first question to be discussed is: “In an Agile-driven project, how does a UX professional fit in where time is scarce and product development is usually started right away?”

Designer Confidential Cover Art Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 8

4 Best SEO Tools for Web Designers

Tag: #seo
Time: 9 min

4 SEO tools 4 web designers. See what I did there? I know, I know, it’s terrible, but I have nothing funny to say about this topic. SEO is a Serious, Essential and an On-demand, topic. 

Well, that’s as good as it’s gonna get. So, without further imposing excruciating jokes, here’s a great article that offers coverage of the 4 best SEO tools for web designers; their weaknesses, benefits, and strengths.

4 Best Seo Tools For Web Designers Ognpduidggtsb45Edks029Idzu4S6Brphliuf1Iuyw Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 9

Boosting Conversion Rate Using Design — UI/UX Case Study

Tag: #design
Time: 10 min

Case studies are cool. They are helpful, give you real-life examples, and teach you lessons. 

So, take a look at this great case study on how design can boost your conversion rate.

But, I have to say that the protein coffee thingy sounds weird.

Protein Coffee Product For Case Study Ognp7J1Fik6E9Hbt9Ugaauwu8L9Yfkonybnca2W4So Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 10

Top 13 SEO Keyword Research Mistakes You Should Avoid

Tag: #seo
Time: 8 min

Why do people insist on adding a negative connotation to the number 13? I personally love it! 
Here, however, are 13 SEO keyword research mistakes that you should avoid.

Take a look at them and learn to avoid these mistakes. But, for the love of everything unholy, don’t take it out on poor number 13, it’s not its fault.

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Why Some Designs Look Messy, and Others Don’t

Tag: #design
Time: 6 min

Boxes — that’s why. 

That’s the short answer. The long answer will also bring you to this conclusion, but it will also explain why. 

So, take a look at this article, learn why people love boxes and how to use it to your advantage. 

Also, if for nothing else, you should read this article because the author uses the term “wiggly-ass”.

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Tool Tips: How Our Design Team Switched to Figma

Tag: #design
Time: 10 min

“Make sure that you always have the right tools for the job. It’s no use trying to eat a steak with a teaspoon, and a straw.” – Anthony T. Hincks

Indeed there isn’t. You need the right tool for the job, even, and perhaps especially, when it comes to design. 

Read this article to learn more about why a design team switched to Figma, and what benefits this change brought.

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Side Projects — Minimalist Movie Posters

Tag: #design
Time: 3 min

If you saw this and thought: “Detective Pikachu”, then you are wrong, but if you thought “Kill Bill”, then you are absolutely correct. 

Take a gander at these amazing minimalist posters, that will, at best, inspire you, and the very least make you say: “Ooh, this is cool”.

The Kill Bill Movie Poster In A Minimalist Style Worth Your Click: Finding Ideas For A Podcast, Best Seo Tools For Web Designers &Amp; More. 14