243 years ago on the 4th of July, the United States of America declared independence from Great Britain. Tomorrow, millions of Americans will be hosting BBQ’s with their friends and family enjoying a cold beer and fireworks. Here at Elementor, we thought we would celebrate with our community in a different way. ​

We reached out to our community and asked: 

We got some great answers and want to share them with you because these are real people with real life experiences that we can all relate to. 

Without further delay, here are the top 15 tips from our very own Elementors.

Picture Of Russel Snyder

Russel Snyder

“Build a body of work that you can show off, even if it’s a small portfolio, even if you had to do the sites for free just to make a portfolio.”

Picture Of Sophie Stapleton

Sophie Stapleton

“Evaluate yourself first and foremost to ensure being self employed is for you.”

Picture Of Richard Genck

Richard Genck

“Network with other small business owners.”

Picture Of Sophie Stapleton

Sophie Stapleton

“Network, network and network. Go to meetings of chambers of commerce, join BNI, start up communities and bring your business cards. 

Besides that, never stop learning. Join lots of different facebook groups like Elementor, seo, speed optimisation and marketing.”

Picture Of Angel G. Zinsel

Angel G. Zinsel


“Focus on what you excel and leave behind the things you simply do well.”

Picture Of Sampi Kamffer

Sampi Kamffer


“If you don’t value your work, others won’t either.”

Picture Of Lyf Solutions

LYF Solutions


“Remember to also take care of the number one client, you. Self-care is very important for you and for your other clients who rely on you to deliver exceptional work.”

Picture Of Azahan Rosedy

Azahan Rosedy


“Don’t be held back by the Impostor Syndrome”

Picture Of Maargie Van Dongen

Maargie Van Dongen


“Keep pushing, adapting & learning. Be 1000x more organised than your customers and..don’t forget to have fun on the way

Picture Of Surenomics



“Find your niche and communicate in channels that matter to them.”

Picture Of Jb Design Studio

JB Design Studio


“One of the most important life skills to develop, for those just starting out as freelancers, is the skill of self-discipline.”

Picture Of Anthony Godinho

Anthony Godinho


“Love what you do with a passion!”

Picture Of Christian Behrends

Christian Behrends


“Learn that networking and selling yourself can be fun.”

Picture Of Mika Novo

Mika Novo


“Just do it. You can always go back to a regular job.”

Picture Of Fábio Lopes

Fábio Lopes


“My first tip is believe. Before you take action you must seed everyday something towards that new reality. While doing that you will be convincing yourself that you can do it. So create that believe and take action 💪😊”

A huge thanks goes to everyone who participated and shared their self-employed tips.
If you have any more tips, feel free to add them in the comments below.