Dribbble Turns 10: Celebrating a Decade of Design Inspiration

Why click: Celebrate with and learn more about one of the world’s leading destinations to finding and showcasing creative work. 
Tag: #Design
Time: 2 min

Dribbble is turning 10. It’s interesting to learn how it gained momentum from one person mailing t-shirts and handwritten notes, inviting friends from design communities, to a global community of millions of designers and design enthusiasts aiming to help designers find work they love and advancing their craft in ways they never thought possible. New releases are being released all the time, from hi-res Shots to video support, cool 404 pages and much more. Dribble Talent was created to offer a better hiring experience for designers and, recently, a design conference called Hang Time was launched. It’s worth the read. 

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SVG for Developers: Why You Should Be Using Them If You’re Not Already

Why click: Take a look at this informative explanation on what SVGs are and why you should be using them, as a developer. 
Tag: #Design
Time: 4 min 

SVG are awesome, they have pixel-perfect scaling, they have smaller file size, they are SEO friendly and they can be animated. Discover the world of SVG and how to use it. From faster webpage loading to animation to better quality all this, without the need to know how to use design tools like Photoshop or Sketch. 

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How to Target Featured Snippet Opportunities

Why click: Explore Featured snippet opportunities and how to target them. 
Tag: #SEO
Time: 4-5 min

In this much-anticipated second part of the series, where you can learn how to discover places where you may be able to win a snippet, this article deals with what a rich snippet is, the steps to identifying opportunities with keywords and understanding intent. Discover how Moz was able to improve its snippets.

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Master Mind: Unlocking Your True Potential

Why click: Learn how to break free from your “limiting beliefs.”
Tag: #Inspiration
Time: 35 min

Watch this video by Chris Do, the Emmy Award-winning designer, which is an interactive talk on how to break free of your “limiting beliefs” and how to conquer your critical inner voice. The video includes exercises which are an examination of how we assign meaning to events and how we can transform negative events into positive outcomes.

Understanding Landing Page Conversions

Why click: Follow this very detailed, step-by-step explanation of how to improve your landing page conversions. 
Tag: #Business 
Time: 6-7 min

We all know that landing pages are important, but what are they, really? Read this great article which explains, with examples, what a landing page is, and more importantly, how to improve its conversions by creating good copy, answering doubts, building trust and creating haste. By anticipating what your user would like to see in your landing page, you can minimize the content, to maximize the conversion.

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The Best New Pinterest Marketing Strategies

Why click: Discover the potential of Pinterest Marketing and its different strategies. 
Tag: #Business
Time: 6-7 min

Pinterest is one of the most powerful and effective social media channels, and it’s being severely underused. With more than 290 million active users, more than half of which have accessed Pinterest in a store, while shipping, Pinterest has become the number one platform for product discovery. Discover how to maximize Pinterest marketing strategies, from 6-second videos to tags and seasonal moments. 

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12 Innovative Video Marketing Trends for 2019

Why click: Understand the different Video Marketing Trends for 2019, and be sure to be ahead of your competition. 
Tag: #Business
Time: 5-6 min

Here are some video trends to keep an eye on. From the fairly simple live videos that could be maximized by real-life interactions, to the more complex “shoppable videos” where you’ll be able to buy products by interacting with them in the video and the news from Google that they’ll be using AI to identify snippets of video related search queries and have this autoplay on search results pages. Learn what the trends are and get the most out of your videos. 

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