DSA Regulation Compliance

Last updated: February 18, 2024

Elementor’s Commitment to a Safer Online Environment in Accordance with the DSA

The EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) aims to foster a secure digital space where user rights are safeguarded, values that resonate deeply with Elementor. We are steadfast in our dedication to providing a secure and inclusive platform for our users.

Our Content Guidelines: Ensuring Safety, Equality, and Compliance

Elementor’s content principles are grounded in three key pillars:

  1. Encouraging Creativity: Elementor empowers individuals to freely express themselves and share varied content online through their websites.
  2. Prioritizing Safety: The safety and well-being of our users and their communities are paramount to us.
  3. Upholding Equality: We are committed to treating all users fairly and equally under our policies.

Content Moderation Measures

Aligned with the DSA’s Regulatory Framework, Elementor employs proactive measures to identify and address illegal content on our platform. We leverage automated tools and human review to maintain our content standards, including:

  • Identifying Illegal Activities: Our systems diligently take action against activities such as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), phishing, fraud, terrorist financing, and the dissemination of fake news.
  •  “Report button”: Users of the platform and other individuals may report their concerns to us. As a company, we take each report seriously and shall address each one individually by conducting a compliance check and decide whether the content is DSA-compliant or not. We reserve the right to remove content which is one of the following but not limited to offensive, provoking or enabling criminal and/or terrorist activity.

Reactive Content Moderation Measures

In addition to proactive measures, Elementor implements reactive steps to address reported violations, such as:

  • Accessible Reporting Channels: We provide easily accessible channels for users and law enforcement agencies to report potentially illegal or policy-violating content by contacting us at [email protected]
  • Ongoing Moderator Training: Our moderators receive continuous training to effectively moderate content in accordance with our policies.

GDPR Compliance

Elementor is fully committed to adhering to the new DSA regulations with our GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance and prioritizing user privacy and data rights. We will continue to maintain strict data handling practices to ensure the secure and transparent collection, storage, and processing of user data in every DSA complaint we receive.

Hosting Services

As a company, we offer two types of usage of our platform: hosting services and open-source code. It is important to emphasize that we are not affiliated with or responsible for and have no ability to get to content created and utilized by users of the open-source code. However, if you encounter troubling information created by an open-source code user and report it to us via the report button, we will take the necessary steps to report it to the relevant law enforcement agencies. As to our hosting services, and following a complaint received via our report button, we may decide to remove certain websites or content based on our risk analysis, regulatory requirements like the DSA, and our own discretion. We’ll provide reasons for any removals, limitations, or blocks. .  

AML within the DSA

Elementor is firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations as part of our DSA Policy. We understand the critical importance of implementing robust AML procedures to prevent our platform from being exploited for illicit financial activities.

As such, we undertake the responsibility to ensure that comprehensive AML proceedings and best practices are firmly in place. Our objective is to conduct customer identification processes with the utmost diligence and precision, adhering strictly to regulatory requirements and industry standards.

Our approach to AML compliance entails the following key principles:

Rigorous Customer Due Diligence (CDD) in case of an activated “report” button:
We will conduct thorough CDD measures to verify the identities of our customers, ensuring that we have a clear understanding of their backgrounds, activities, and potential risk profiles to the extent we are able to do so as a private company.

Enhanced Monitoring and Reporting:
We will implement enhanced monitoring systems to detect and flag any transactions or activities that appear suspicious or indicative of money laundering or terrorist financing. Our dedicated compliance team will closely monitor transactional patterns, account behaviors, and other relevant indicators to promptly identify and investigate any potential red flags.

Ongoing Training and Education:
We are committed to providing comprehensive training and education to our staff members, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and respond effectively to AML-related risks and obligations. This includes regular training sessions, updates on regulatory developments, and access to resources and guidance materials.

Collaboration with Authorities:
As required by law, we will maintain open channels of communication and collaboration with relevant authorities, including law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies, to share information and report suspicious activities, and contribute to broader efforts to combat financial crime. We understand the importance of working together with external stakeholders to uphold the integrity of our platform and the financial system as a whole.

By adhering to these principles and implementing robust AML procedures, we are dedicated to ensuring the integrity and security of our platform, safeguarding against the misuse of our services for illicit financial purposes, and upholding our commitment to regulatory compliance under the DSA.

Contact Us

If you encounter any content on our platform that you believe violates our policies, laws, DSA or GDPR regulations, please report it promptly.

Individuals and Law Enforcement Agencies:
Report potential violations through our designated report page here