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Progress Bar widget

Last Update: January 28, 2024

The Progress Bar Widget allows you to add fully styled, animated progress bars to your page.


Progress Bar

  1. Title: Enter the title text that is displayed above the progress bar
  2. Title HTML Tag: Use the dropdown menu to designate the title of the progress bar as a header (H1-6).This helps search engines find and understand the progress bar, boosting SEO. The title can also be tagged as a paragraph, span or div
  3. Percentage: Set the completion percentage number
  4. Display Percentage: Use the switch to show or hide the actual percentage number text at the end of the bar
  5. Inner Text: Enter the text to be displayed within the bar


Progress Bar

  1. Color: Change the color of the bar
  2. Background: Choose the color of the background of the bar
  3. Inner Text Color: Choose the color of the text to be displayed within the bar

Title style

  1. Color: Choose the color of the title text that is displayed above the progress bar
  2. Typography: Set the typography options of the title text


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget

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