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Speed up page loading with Element Caching

Last Update: June 16, 2024

Decreasing page load times increases visitor retention and boosts your SEO score. With Element Caching, when widgets are rendered on the server the HTML output is stored in the database. This way, the next time the element appears, it is drawn from the database instead of being rerendered. This significantly reduces the server’s memory usage and reduces the Time To First Byte (TTFB) for visitors.  

Element Caching cannot be used on elements that contain dynamic tags or any other type of dynamic information, such as shortcodes, which present custom data to visitors. For example, a widget that displays the visitor’s name. .To make sure that  Element caching is only used when needed, the feature is inactive by default. You should only activate caching on static elements – those without dynamic tags.
Element Caching is an experimental feature. To learn how to activate experimental features, see Activate Elementor experimental features.

Activate Element Caching

In the Advanced tab, under the Cache Settings section, you can override the default widget caching status to either set it to Active or Inactive.
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Activating Element Caching on an element that uses dynamic tags can cause issues with dynamic content.

The following elements are automatically cached and their status cannot be changed.  

  • Container
  • Grid Container
  • Off Canvas
  • Section
  • Column
  • Inner Section 

Change the caching status of an element

You can speed up page load times on your site by setting the Cache Setting status of static widgets to Active

In order to change to caching status of an element: 

  1. On the canvas, click the element.
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    The options for that element appear in the panel.
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  2. Click the Advanced tab. 
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  3. In the panel, use the Cache Settings dropdown menu to select a new activation status for the element. 

The caching status of the element is changed.

Clearing your elements’ cache

There are several reasons you may want to periodically clear an element’s cache:

  • Content Freshness: Ensures that frequently updated content, like news or promotions, is always current for visitors.
  • Performance Balance: Maintains a balance between improved loading times and up-to-date content by regularly refreshing the cache.
  • Testing and Updates: Allows you to test changes or updates on your site and see the results without waiting for the cache to clear naturally.

Clearing the cache is done at the site level so all your elements will have their cache cleared in the same interval. 

To set up cache clearing:

  1. From WP Admin, go to Elementor>Settings.
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  2. Click the Performance tab.
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    In the Element Cache Expiration field, use the dropdown to choose a frequency for clearing the elements’ cache.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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