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Disable Elementor’s default fonts and colors

Last Update: February 21, 2024

Elementor’s default theme,the Hello Theme, offers great flexibility for creators to design and build their websites. However, many creators prefer to use a pre-designed theme to give them more guidance when building their sites. The global colors and fonts of these themes may clash with the Elementor’s global colors and fonts so it’s often a good idea to disable the Elementor default colors and fonts.

To disable the Elementor default colors and fonts:

  1. From WP Admin, navigate to Elementor>Settings.
    image 74 Disable Elementor's default fonts and colors 1
    Four tabs appear in the pane. 
    image 75 Disable Elementor's default fonts and colors 3
  2. Make sure the General tab is selected.
    image 76 Disable Elementor's default fonts and colors 5
  3. Select both Disable Default Colors and Disable Default Fonts.

This will disable the Elementor defaults and make your theme’s colors and fonts the default. 

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