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AI Troubleshooting errors 

Last Update: January 29, 2024

Following is a list of errors you may run into with Elementor AI and how to handle them.

AI is temporarily unavailable

If Elementor AI fails to generate a prompt, it will not use up any of your quota of generated content.
We recommend trying the query again.

That prompt is inappropriate or illegal

Elementor AI doesn’t support queries that are deemed inappropriate or illegal.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Bad Gateway Error

A “Bad Gateway” error when trying to send a prompt means that the server was not able to successfully connect and process the request.

This could mean that there’s a problem with the server, or the network connection between your computer and the service. which may also be caused by issues with your internet connection, browser, or computer’s settings.

Try refreshing the page and checking your internet connection.

Error MessageWhy it happenedWhat can I do?
Elementor AI is temporarily unavailable
We couldn’t complete your requests due to technical difficulties on our end. Elementor AI should be up and running shortly. 
Elementor AI was unable to connect to the server. Wait a few minutes, and then try using Elementor AI again.
Elementor AI is temporarily unavailable
 Seems like we are experiencing technical difficulty. We should be up and running shortly.
Elementor AI is temporarily unavailable. Wait a few minutes, and then try using Elementor AI again.
Reconnect your account
We couldn’t connect to your account due to technical difficulties on our end. Reconnect your account to continue. Show me how.
You are connected to Elementor AI but there is an issue with your credentials. You need to reconnect with a valid username and password. Reconnect your account by following these instructions
You aren’t connected to Elementor AI.

Elementor AI is just a few clicks away. Connect your account to instantly create texts and custom code. 
You must have an Elementor account in order to use Elementor AI. If you receive this message, you either don’t have an account or you need to reconnect your account. You need to create an account or connect to your account
It’s time to upgrade.

Enjoy the free trial? Upgrade now for unlimited access to built-in text and custom code generators.
Elementor users receive a free, limited trial to use Elementor AI. Once you’ve used up your free trial, you need to purchase a paid Elementor AI subscription if you want to continue using it. Click the Upgrade button and fill in your payment details to start your Elementor AI subscription.
You’ve used X% of the free trial. Upgrade for unlimited access. (This message that appears at the bottom of the Elementor AI window once you’ve used at least 80% of your free trial)Elementor users receive a free, limited trial to Elementor AI. This message lets you know how much of your free trial you’ve already used.  Looks like you’re getting good use of Elementor AI. Click  the Upgrade button and purchase an Elementor AI subscription to gain unlimited access to Text and Code. 

Other errors

If you run into an error not discussed above and you’re an Elementor AI subscriber, try posting to our Facebook group where members of our community may be able to assist you.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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