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Customize permalinks

Last Update: March 14, 2024

When you create a page or post in WordPress, the system automatically assigns it a URL. This is called a permalink. 

For Elementor Hosting sites, these permalinks default to: website name/post-name.  You can customize permalinks to create more comprehensible links to your posts and pages. This helps website visitors navigate your site. It also helps search engines find and list your posts.

For example: 

Alex creates a new post for her site Without customization, the URL would be something like,  

Customization could add a date to the address so visitors would know right away how old the post is. 

Permalinks are permanent URLs changing them can hurt your SEO ranking.

Follow these steps to customize permalinks:

  1. Login to WP Admin.
    Customize permalinks 2
  2. Go to Settings > Permalinks. The Permalink Settings page shows.
  3. Under Common Settings, you can make the following settings:
    • Choose the desired preset Permalink structure.
      Customize permalinks 4
    • Choose Custom Structure to create your own structure for permalinks by using the tags in the Custom Structure.
      These variables should preceded by a % and followed by a /
  4. Under Optional, enter desired settings as described in Optional Settings.
    Customize permalinks 1
    Under Product Permalink, you may set the desired product URL structure or make a custom product URL.
    Customize permalinks 3
    This setting is only for ecommerce websites.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Custom Structure

%year%Year of publication
%monthnum%Month of publication
%day%Day of publication
%hour%Hour of publication
%minute%Minute of publication
%second%Second of publication

/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%second%/ – creates a permalink with the website name followed by the year, month, day and second of publication.
%post_id%Post ID number
%postname%Post Name
%category%Post Category
%author%Post Author

/%author%/%year%/ – creates a permalink with the website name followed by the name of the post’s author and year the post was published.

Optional Settings

Category baseEnter the desired value here if you want to change the word “category”.

For example, 
If you enter “topic” in this field, the URL changes to from
Tag baseEnter the desired value here if you want to change the word “tag”.

The default format for tags is /tag/tag-name/

For example,
If you want to change “tag” to “label” then set Tag base as /label/

The new format of the permalink is now /label/tag-name/
Product category baseEnter the desired value here if you want to change the word “product category”.

For example,
If you enter “collections” in this field, the URL changes to from
Product tag baseThe default format is /product-tag/product-name/

For example, 
If you enter “features” in this field then the URL becomes /features/product-name/
Product attribute baseThe default format is /attribute-name/attribute/

For example, if you type specs/ in the field, then the new URL is /specs/attribute-name/attribute/

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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