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Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record

Last Update: December 14, 2023

Verify your site

To verify your site using a DNS record:
image 138 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 9

  1. Go to your Google Search Console.
    image 139 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 11
  2. Click Add property.
    image 154 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 13
  3. In the Domain area, enter your domain name.
    4. Click Coninue Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 15
  4. Click Continue.
    image 156 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 17
  5. In the Verify domain ownership via DNS record window, in number 3, Copy the TXT file.
    image 157 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 196 TXT file Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 21
  6. Go to your domain provider and click Add Record to add the TXT file to your DNS server.
  7. Go back to your Google Search Console settings to verify.
    image 158 Verify your site with Google Search Console using a DNS record 23
  8. Click Verify.

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