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Turn off AI notifications

Last Update: August 27, 2024

Elementor AI is a great tool, allowing users to work more efficiently. However, some users prefer not to use AI and do not want to receive notifications about Elementor AI.

Turn off Elementor AI notifications

You can turn off Elementor AI notifications for individual website users.

To turn off Elementor AI notifications:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    Go to users all users Turn off AI notifications 1
  2. Navigate to Users>All Users.
    2 list of users Turn off AI notifications 3
  3. Select a user.
  4. Scroll down to the Elementor AI section.
    3 Use the Turn off AI notifications 5
  5. Use the checkbox to turn off Elementor AI notifications.
    This user will not receive Elementor AI notifications and AI icons will not appear in the editor and WP Admin.
    Reverse this procedure to start using Elementor AI features.

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