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Icon library is empty

Last Update: February 15, 2024


Icon library does not have any icons.

Icon library is empty 2

Possible cause & solutions

Following may be the causes and their solutions:

Corrupt icon library

If your icon library becomes corrupted, you may see an empty icon library.

To restore the icons, follow these steps:

  1. Login to WP Admin.
  2. Go to Elementor > Custom Icons and check for any custom icons that may be listed as either Trash or Draft
    Icon library is empty 1
    • If you find any icons, permanently delete them, and check if this resolves the issue.
    • If you don’t find any icons, install any of the following icons to reset the library to its normal state (For details, see Custom Icons » Elementor):
      • Fontello
      • IcoMoon
      • Fontastic 

Server configuration

Icon libraries can be empty due to specific server configurations. Ask your hosting provider to check and resolve this.

Cache, browse extension or addons

Icon libraries can be empty due to cache, browser extensions or addons. ​

To solve this, do the following and check if it resolves the issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache. 
  2. Open the page using an incognito tab of your browser.

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