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Error message when using the WooCommerce block

Last Update: March 14, 2024


Starting with version 8.3, WooCommerce uses WooCommerce blocks instead of the legacy shortcodes. These blocks  are incompatible with the Elementor Editor and can lead to the editor not loading. To avoid conflicts, users must delete these WooCommerce blocks before building their cart page in Elementor.  


Delete the WooCommerce cart block 

Deleting the WooCommerce Cart block is the recommended solution for this compatibility issue.

To delete the cart:

  1. Navigate to WP Admin, Pages>All pages.
    image 44 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 1
    A list of all the site’s pages appears.
    image 46 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 3
  2. Hover over the Cart page and Click Edit
    The cart will open in the Gutenberg editor. The cart is actually a set of sub blocks so you can’t delete them individually. You will need to follow the following steps.
    When you open the Gutenberg editor, you should receive a warning message in the top left of your screen.

    image 47 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 5
  3. Click the margin area either to the right or left of the blocks.
    image 48 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 7
    The Cart toolbar appears in the pane.
  4. Click the ellipses 8dJ5wSUukjB9d0icxS bS9tTrefQRErSJ3JQfhzbLtBIxsGr251hZ61 iRTm8Fr kLI qG Z9GrzwyXp20rm0BJ9UcGIitm1jsCDSdJ1tB2t1 ox9vA yeMB KgWaPw7DMj3WWa 2l14w0jaA7w5wA Error message when using the WooCommerce block 9 in the toolbar. 
    image 49 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 11
  5. Select Delete from the dropdown menu.
    The Cart page is empty. 
    image 50 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 13
  6. Click Update in the upper right of the Gutenberg editor.
    Do not skip this step.

    image 51 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 15
  7. Click Edit with Elementor.

The Cart page opens in the Elementor Editor. You can now build your cart in the editor using the Elementor Cart widget. Find out more about building a web store with the Elementor Academy’s course, Building an online store with WooCommerce.

Your cart can now be edited with Elementor as normal.

Delete the Cart page

Deleting the Cart page is a more complicated solution and is therefore not recommended unless there is a specific reason.

To delete the Cart page:

  1. Navigate to WP Admin, Pages>All pages.
    image 52 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 17
    A list of all your site’s pages appears in the pane. 
    image 53 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 19
  2. Hover over the Cart page, and click Trash.Β 
    You no longer have a cart page so you’ll need to create one.
    image 54 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 21
  3. In WP Admin, click Add New Page.
    image 55 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 23
  4. Name the page Cart.
    image 56 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 25
  5. Click Edit with Elementor. 
    The Cart page opens in the Elementor Editor. You can now build your cart in the editor using the Elementor Cart widget. Find out more about building a web store with the Elementor Academy’s course, Building an online store with WooCommerce.
    image 57 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 27
  6. Click the Site Settings icon j0F5p8b0YNBK SYVFqNNV8y v33gJ 780JYJTaSmlZ1MJeaCRlESJzKeUwlO9YGVa1kJR8DhwGD3DVYwXi3b2SDtTn6I Error message when using the WooCommerce block 29 in the upper left of the Elementor Editor toolbar.
    image 58 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 31
  7. In the panel, click WooCommerce.
    image 59 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 33
  8. From the top of the panel, enter the page name in the Cart dropdown menu. 
    image 60 Error message when using the WooCommerce block 35
  9. Click Save Changes.

Your cart can now be edited with Elementor.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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