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Remove a Kit

Last Update: January 31, 2024


Elementor allows you to switch kits when you no longer wish to continue with the existing one. We highly recommend you install kits on a clean WordPress website to avoid any conflict caused by using the styles from the old kit. 

Since manually uninstalling a kit is time-consuming and error-prone and restoring a website may delete important information, Elementor provides a tool to remove a kit.

The kit removal tool is available only to users with the upgraded Elementor Pro 3.8 or later versions before installing the kit.

Remove a Kit

To remove a kit, follow the steps below:

  1. In WP admin, navigate to Elementor > Tools.
    Remove a Kit 4
    The Tools page appears.
    Remove a Kit 2
  2. Click Import/Export Kit.

    The Tools > Template Kits section appears.
    Remove a Kit 1
  3. Scroll down the page and click Remove Kit.
    All the content previously added to the specific kit will be deleted when you remove a Kit. You may consider exporting the kit and saving the previously added content before removing it.

    The confirmation dialog appears.
    Remove a Kit 5
  4. Click Delete.

    The success notification appears.
    Remove a Kit 3
  5. Click OK.

    The applied website kit is removed.

    Once the website kit is removed, you can switch to another kit.  For more details, see Apply a Kit. If you wish to apply another website kit or if you decide to work from scratch, check out the Elementor Theme Builder.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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