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Block certain visitors from accessing your site

Last Update: September 11, 2024

There are certain cases where you may want to block visitors from accessing your site. For example, if your online store does not ship to country X, you may just want to block access to your site from country X.

Block visitors

You can limit access to your site by either blacklisting certain countries or creating a whitelist of countries with access.

To limit access to your site:  

  1. Navigate to your My Elementor dashboard.
    image Block certain visitors from accessing your site 1
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to edit and click Manage this site.
    image 1 Block certain visitors from accessing your site 3
  3. In the panel, click Advanced.
    4 click the Security tab Block certain visitors from accessing your site 5
  4. In the right pane, click the Security tab.
    Click the pencil icon 1 Block certain visitors from accessing your site 7
  5. In the Limit traffic by country field, click the pencil icon Pencil icon Hosting dashboard Block certain visitors from accessing your site 9.
    The limit by country window Block certain visitors from accessing your site 11
    The Limit traffic by country window appears.
    Click the top dropdown Block certain visitors from accessing your site 13
  6. Open the top dropdown menu.
    Choose between Block certain visitors from accessing your site 15
  7. Choose between:
    • Enabling all countries
    • Blocking certain countries
    • Enabling access from certain countries
      Click bottom dropdown Block certain visitors from accessing your site 17
  8. Open the lower dropdown.
    The list of countries Block certain visitors from accessing your site 19
  9. Use the checkboxes to select the countries you want to block or permit.
    Click Save 1 Block certain visitors from accessing your site 21
  10. Click Save.
    Blocked countries Block certain visitors from accessing your site 23
    The selected countries are blocked or enabled.
Make sure you do not block access for any countries where web creators need access to the site. For instance, if you have an editor in country X, make sure country X has access to the site or they will receive a 403 error.
The 403 screen Block certain visitors from accessing your site 25

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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