Do you want to create a full width page in WordPress, no matter which theme you are using? The easiest way to do this is with the FREE Elementor Page Builde
hi and welcome to elemental how to Dave
question comes from Jessica GL how can
you create a full-width page in
Elementor Elementor has the ability to
create a full web page in each theme no
matter what now as I’m using generate
press theme it has the option to create
a full web page and you can see it here
but not all themes have this option such
as 2017 let’s activate it now we are in
blocked so if you want to change this
section to full width page you go to
section you click on stretch section and
it goes to be full width now you can
also change the content with you go to
here and click on full width you can see
it stretches you can change the height
and you can make it fit the screen
height as you can see it’s very easy to
create a full width page with Elementor
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