In this video, I will show you how to use the testimonial widget on the Elementor page builder for WordPress.
hi everyone this is Noah from Elementor
today I will show you how to use a
testimonial widget with this widget you
can take the basic testimonials and turn
them into something unique and creative
let’s begin by clicking on the edit with
Elementor button now let’s search for
the widget in the search bar and drag it
to wherever the blue line is displayed
once the widget is in its place you will
see the edit testimonial area with the
three tabs content style and advanced in
the content area you have full control
over the testimonial contents here you
can see the content field where you
could insert the content text and you
can add an image from the media library
you also have the name field where you
could insert the name and the job field
and image position which sets whether
the image is positioned next to the nema
job or above the Niemen job and you have
the alignment left center or right
please note that it sets for the entire
widget and not only the name and job
alright that was the Constance area
let’s move on to the style area in the
style area you have full control over
the style options for the content image
name and job in the content area you
have the color and the typography you
have sized
Psalms let’s pick droid serif you have
weight transform as in uppercase
lowercase or capitalized style
let’s pick italic line-height let’s go
with one and a half and letter spacing
which sets the space between the letters
of the testimonial contents those were
the content style options let’s move on
to the image now here we have creative
options for the image for example image
size where you could set the exact size
of the image
and you have boarder type where you
could set the border of the image as
solid double dotted or dashed once you
pick a border type you will see the
border with color and radius let’s pick
a width of six and color the border
radius is a great setting because you
could set the image as circled round
cornered or squared the default image is
set as circled however if you insert
zero you will see on the page that the
image is squared or you could place
twenty and now you can see the rounded
corners or a hundred which is back to
circled etc now let’s move on to the
name here you also have the text color
and typography let’s customize it size
weight let’s give it 500 transform let’s
make it uppercase style line Heights as
you can see this sets the space between
the name of the image and the name and
the job below it and letter spacing now
last but not least let’s move on to the
job text color typography size font
weight transform style line height
and letter-spacing all right those were
the style options for the testimonial
widget now let’s give the testimonial a
little touch of negative color I’ll
begin by giving the section a background
color let’s make it blue and now let’s
go back to the testimonial and change
the style colors
now I’ll just put it in preview mode and
as you can see it has given the widget a
cool and creative touch I hope you
enjoyed this video for more videos and
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