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Change the color of your links

Last Update: April 17, 2024


You can customize the color of the links in your site using:

  • Site Settings – This will change the color of the links throughout your site
  • CSS code – This will change the color of the links in an individual element

These two methods are not mutually exclusive – You can use Site Settings to change your site’s link color to purple while using code to change the color of the links in a Text Editor widget to red.

Link Color Change the color of your links 1

Change the link color using Site Settings

Changing the link color using Site Settings will change all the link colors throughout your site.

To choose a link color:

  1. From the top bar in the Elementor Editor, click the Site Settings icon.
    image 76 Change the color of your links 3
    The Site Settings options appear in the panel.
    image 77 Change the color of your links 5
  2. In the panel, click Typography.
    image 78 Change the color of your links 7
  3. Click Normal to set a default color for the link or click Hover to select the color of the link when a user mouses over it.
    image 79 Change the color of your links 9
  4. In the Link section, select a color. For more details, see Choose a color.

The links throughout your site will appear in the chosen color(s)

Change the link color of an element

You can use code to set the link color of an individual element. This will override the color chosen in Site Settings. The color can be set:

  • Directly into the element with HTML 
  • With custom CSS

Set a link color with HTML

  1. Click the element whose link color you want to change. 
    image 80 Change the color of your links 11
    The element options appear in the panel.
    image 81 Change the color of your links 13
  2. In the text box, enter the HTML code below:
<a style="color:purple;" href="#">My purple link</a>
  • Substitute purple with the color you want to use
  • Substitute # with the URL of the page you want to link to.
  • Substitute #My purple link with the text you want to appear.
You must use straight quotation marks and not curly ones. Sometimes when cutting and  pasting the straight quotation marks become curly and you may have to manually enter the quotation marks. 

Set a link color with custom CSS

  1. Click the element whose link color you want to change. 
    image 82 Change the color of your links 15
    The element options appear in the panel.
    image 83 Change the color of your links 17
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
    image 84 Change the color of your links 19
  3. In the panel, scroll down and expand the Custom CSS section.
    image 85 Change the color of your links 21
  4. Enter custom code in the text box to change the link color. See the code example below.
    .mygreenlink:link, .mygreenlink:visited,
    .mygreenlink:active {
    text-decoration: none;
    .mygreenlink:hover {
    color: red;
    text-decoration: underline;
    This creates a CSS class called mygreenlink. It is defined as a link and will apply to the link when it is active and when a visitor has already clicked the link. It includes a hover state that applies when a visitor mouses over the link. The hover state will turn the link red and underline it.

    image 86 Change the color of your links 23
  5. Click the Content tab.
    image 87 Change the color of your links 25
  6. In the content area, click the Text tab.
    image 88 Change the color of your links 27
  7. Enter the code in the text box to tigger to the CSS snippet. See the code example below:
<a class="mygreenlink" href="#">My green CSS link</a>
  • Substitute # with the URL of the page you want to link to.
  • Substitute #My green CSS link with the text you want to appear.

When using an element that allows you to enter content with either a Visual or Text tab, enter the code in the Text tab.[/callout}

The link will now appear as defined in the CSS snippet. For more information about CSS selectors in Elementor, see CSS selectors in Elementor.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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