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Add users to your website

Last Update: January 26, 2025

In order to make collaborating on websites easier, you can add others as users using the My Elementor dashboard. This will allow them to add, edit and delete pages and posts and more. However, they will not have access to your account or subscription. This means they won’t be able to create sites, clone sites, transfer licenses, renew sites or any other account activities. 

When you add a user to your site using the My Elementor dashboard, they will have admin privileges, giving them almost complete control of the site.

Add users

To add users to your site:

  1. Navigate to your My Elementor dashboard.
    image Add users to your website 1
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to add a user to and click Manage this site.
    Click Teams 1 Add users to your website 3
  3. In the left panel, click Teams.
    Click invite members Add users to your website 5
  4. In the right corner, click Invite Members.
    Enter email address 1 Add users to your website 7
  5. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to add as users. Press Enter after each address.
    These new users need to either have an Elementor account or will have to create an Elementor account. The email you use to invite the new user should be the same as the email they use for their Elementor account. 

    Click Send invite Add users to your website 9
  6. Click Send Invite.
    Invitation pending Add users to your website 11

When you click Team in the future, you’ll see the invitees with Invitation Pending next to the emails of people you’ve invited. 

Resend the invitation

If the user did not receive the invitation, you can resend it.

To resend the link:

  1. Navigate to My Elementor>Team.
    Click resend icon 1 Add users to your website 13
  2. Hover over the email address and click the resend icon. 

Send a link

If you don’t want to send a link by email, you can copy the link and send it by another method such as Slack or other messaging software.

To copy the link:

  1. Navigate to My Elementor>Team.
    Click copy invite link Add users to your website 15
  2. Hover over the email address and click the copy invite link icon. 

Accepting an invitation

After invitees receive a link, they can join as a site admin.

To join the site:

  1. Click the link.
    image 7 Add users to your website 17
    The registration screen appears.
    If you are not logged into your Elementor account, you’ll need to login.

    image 8 Add users to your website 19
  2. Pick a job title. 
    image 9 Add users to your website 21
  3. Click Save & Join.
    You can join the website without entering a job title by clicking Join without a job title

    image 10 Add users to your website 23
    You are taken to the website’s Overview in the My Elementor dashboard.
    image 11 Add users to your website 25
    You will now be able to access the website from your My Elementor dashboard.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

Link is copied to clipboard!
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