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Using Elementor Pro with an LMS such as LearnDash or LifterLMS

Last Update: February 11, 2024

Elementor can be used together with many 3rd party WordPress applications, including some Learning Management Systems (LMS). Two popular WordPress LMS plugins, LearnDash and LifterLMS, both offer integrations with Elementor to help you style your courses the Elementor way.

Note: Each LMS may offer different levels of customization, and you may only be able to edit certain pages or portions of the LMS layout.

LearnDash: Elementor and LearnDash worked together to create an integration that results in an optimized, more accessible learning experience for your students. LearnDash has specific Elementor widgets and templates to make it easy for you to customize and style your LMS layout. For more information:

The integration is contained within an additional free Compatibility Add-On Elementor Integration plugin that you’ll have available to you within your active LearnDash account.

LifterLMS: Special widgets designed for Elementor enables LifterLMS users to have more control over the style and layout of their course materials. These widgets are contained within an additional premium plugin called Lifter Elements. If you choose to purchase the Creator edition, you’ll also receive additional functionality such as conditional logic, as well as all available specially designed templates. If you prefer, you can purchase templates individually if you only purchase the Standard edition. Watch an intro video to see how LifterLMS works with Elementor.

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