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Update your payment method

Last Update: June 4, 2024

If you change your payment method, for example if you get a different credit card, it’s important to update your billing information to ensure your subscription does not run out. 

You can add as many payment methods as you would like.

To add or update a payment method:
Click Billing Update your payment method 9

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, click Billing.
    image 25 Update your billing information 39
  2. Click Manage this subscription.
  3. Scroll down to the Billing Information section.
    image 26 Update your billing information 41
  4. Click the pencil icon 8TjmAPacOQWjccYfCRmQWDUudqyCZw13buLH17xdgZM8LXt9LnwI7kROmP THBaPfm90LiEnc Pu7Y4gjzIHfcScPDDYe489HXFMNpJg0 NDSkVQF1eh7dn2cF14ICKmc Update your billing information 43.
    image 27 Update your billing information 45
  5. Click Update billing information.
    image 28 Update your billing information 47
  6. Fill in your updated billing information.
    image 29 Update your billing information 49
  7. Click Add.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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