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Switch accounts

Last Update: September 16, 2024

You may need to switch accounts. For instance, if you transfer the site to a new own. This is done through the General Settings screen.

To switch Site Mailer accounts:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 15 Switch accounts 1
  2. Navigate to Settings>Site Mailer.
    Click General Settings Switch accounts 3
  3. Click General Settings.
    The Account section Switch accounts 5
  4. Scroll down to the Account section.
    The accounts section with ellipses Switch accounts 7The accounts section with ellipses circled Switch accounts 9
  5. Click the ellipses AD 4nXdrtm8ehSX0z9YWiH3Yiln4ZKMv9RR SHp1SRgUOAr6wxKLgXcHsEae6v8glNXFmWBhWs98Z LVXwthRutXE32vBB6WO92mo8xSVUrmBrG39uO5JeQ 8sf9z9BAyNAqTfwr9s6VFKEESEuJ4fVL3zCeLzw?key=Y9iMsHKybIpFLBfdM Switch accounts 11 on the right hand side of the Account area.
    Account section with Switch account Switch accounts 13
    Select Switch account.

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