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Send a test email

Last Update: September 16, 2024

To make sure Site Mailer is working properly you should send a test email after you install Site Mailer and after you make any changes to the settings.

To send a test email:

  1. In WP Admin, navigate to Settings>Site Mailer.
    Click General Settings Send a test email 1
  2. Click the General Settings tab.
    Scroll down to send a test email 1 Send a test email 3
  3. Scroll down to the Send a test email to area.
    enter an email Send a test email 5
  4. Enter the email address where you want the test message sent. 
    Click Send test Send a test email 7
  5. Click Send test.

An email is sent to the address you entered. 

The test email will appear in your email log. However, you must have email logging enabled in order to see the email text. For details, see Enable/Disable email logging.

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