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Manage Suppressed emails

Last Update: November 19, 2024

With list unsubscribe headers, recipients can easily unsubscribe from email lists. When users unsubscribe, their email address is added to Site Mailer’s list of suppressed emails. You also have the option to manually add and delete emails from the list of suppressed emails.

Manually add an email to the suppressed list

To add a user to your list of suppressed emails:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 14 Manage Suppressed emails 1
  2. Navigate to Settings>Site Mailer.
    image 15 Manage Suppressed emails 3
  3. Click Suppressions.
    image 16 Manage Suppressed emails 5
  4. Click Add an Email.
    image 17 Manage Suppressed emails 7
  5. Enter the email you want to add.
    image 18 Manage Suppressed emails 9
  6. Click Add.
    image 19 Manage Suppressed emails 11

The address is added to the list of suppressed emails.

Addresses added manually are marked Manual in the Method column. Addresses added by users unsubscribing are marked Unsubscribed.

Manually remove an email from the suppressed list

To add a user to your list of suppressed emails:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 20 Manage Suppressed emails 13
  2. Navigate to Settings>Site Mailer.
    image 21 Manage Suppressed emails 15
  3. Click Suppressions.
    The list of suppressed emails appears.
    Hover over the email you want to remove from the suppressed list.
    image 22 Manage Suppressed emails 17
  4. Click the delete icon.
    The address is removed from the suppressed list.

Attempting to send an email to a suppressed address

If Site Mailer attempts to send an email to a suppressed address, you will be notified immediately and the email is marked Not Sent.

image 23 Manage Suppressed emails 19

 Hovering over the Not Sent icon will notify you that the address is suppressed.

image 24 Manage Suppressed emails 21

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