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Gradient Background

Last Update: August 16, 2023

Follow these steps to create a gradient background visually, without relying on CSS.

Add a Section

  1. Click Add Section
  2. Drag in a Widget
  3. Click the Section Settings handle file Pig2hySLXe Gradient Background 1 to enter the Section Settings
  4. Go to Style > Background
  5. Under Background type click the gradient settings Gradient Background 3 icon to enter the Gradient Settings

Gradient Background Settings

  1. Color: set the first gradient color
  2. Location: set the location of the first color. This will affect the spread
  3. Second color: set the second gradient color
  4. Location: set the location of the second color. This will affect the spread
  5. Type: Choose between a linear or radial gradient
  6. Angle: Set the gradient angle

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