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Deactivate your subscription

Last Update: September 16, 2024

If you decide Site Mailer isn’t for you, you can unsubscribe using the General Settings screen.

To deactivate your Site Mailer subscription:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 10 Deactivate your subscription 1
  2. Navigate to Settings>Site Mailer.
    Click General Settings Deactivate your subscription 3
  3. Click General Settings.
    Account section 1 Deactivate your subscription 5
  4. Scroll down to the Account section.
    The accounts section with ellipses circled Deactivate your subscription 7
  5. Click the ellipses AD 4nXcqufXoBQKuUgIXod N4uf43a0K3UZ7hn43Te4XrJTfrdYRJt20OvUor3x2FqHORKPoN4Jbsf85zOO0MXsQBbiSA0ak8S Deactivate your subscription 9 on the right hand side of the Account area.
    Account section deactivate Deactivate your subscription 11
  6. Select Deactivate subscription.

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