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Create a tags page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel

Last Update: April 14, 2024

Taxonomy Queries allow you to create loops based on post or product tags. For example, if you run an online clothing store, you can create a Loop Grid or Loop Carousel displaying the articles with tags based on colors – Red, Blue, Yellow, etc..

Create a tags page

The example below shows a Taxonomy query for posts in a Loop Grid but the same principles apply to products and to the loop Carousel.

To create a taxonomy query for tags:

  1. Create a loop grid for categories. For details, See Create a category page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel.
    image 67 Create a tags page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel 1
  2. Click the upper-right corner of the Loop Grid widget to select it.
    image 68 Create a tags page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel 3 
  3. In the panel, in the Content tab, open the Query section.
    image 69 Create a tags page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel 5
  4. From the Source dropdown, select Tags
    image 70 Create a tags page using the Loop Grid or Loop Carousel 7

The Loop Grid now contains a list of tags. You can further filter and sort the listed tags using the Loop Grid options. See Loop Grid widget for more details.

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