PX to Inches Converter (96 PPI)

PX to Inches Conversion Table

Pixels (px)Inches (72 PPI)Inches (96 PPI)Inches (300 PPI)

Pixels Per Inch (PPI):

The key factor in conversion is PPI, which stands for pixels per inch. It signifies how many pixels are packed into a single linear inch on a display or in an image. A higher PPI means more pixels crammed into an inch, resulting in sharper images.

Conversion Formula:

With PPI in hand, you can convert pixels to inches using the following formula:

Inches = Pixels / PPI

For example, if you have an image that’s 1080 pixels wide and you know the PPI is 96 (a common standard for web graphics), the conversion would be:

Inches = 1080 pixels / 96 PPI = 11.25 inches

Challenges in Conversion:

PPI can vary depending on the context:

  • Displays: Different screens have different PPIs. A high-resolution phone might have a PPI of 400, while a standard computer monitor might have 96 PPI.
  • Images: Images themselves can have embedded PPI data, which might differ from the display PPI.

This variation means a 100px image might appear differently sized on a phone versus a monitor if their PPIs aren’t the same.

Common Use Cases:

Here are some situations where px-to-inch conversion is handy:

  • Printing digital images: You’ll need to know the image’s PPI to determine its physical size when printed.
  • Designing for the web: Understanding how pixels translate to inches helps ensure your web page elements display consistently across devices with different PPIs.

Additional Tips:

  • If you need the exact PPI for an image or display, you can often find it in the image properties or device specifications.
  • Remember, the conversion only tells you the physical size based on PPI. The actual perceived size can still vary depending on viewing distance.